- fluidized sand bed furnace 流化砂床炉
- Cycle Fluidized Bed Furnace, High Temperature Cyclone Separator, Outside Heat Exchanger, Smoke Remover, Material refeding Pipe and etc. 循环流化床锅炉燃烧室;高温旋风分离器;外置式热交换器;烟道.;物料回送管路等部位。
- This paper introduces a multifunction fluidized bed furnace,ineluding its structure composition,effect of key parts,and design essentials. 介绍多功能流态化炉的结构组成、关键部件的作用及设计要点。
- Among Fluidized Bed Furnace coal cinder(FBC) and fly ash and electric furnace coal cinder in laboratory(EFC), reactivity of FBC is highest, reactivity of fly ash is lowest . 在流化床炉渣、粉煤灰和实验室电炉渣三者中 ;流化床炉渣活性最高 ;粉煤灰活性最低 .
- Milling system: cracker, muller, milling machine, conveyor, hoist, material house, fluidized bed furnace, helix mixing blade, ripe power house, static dust catcher and shaking motor. (四)制粉系统:由鄂破机、粉碎机、磨机、输送机、提升机、生料仓、沸腾炉、螺旋搅刀、熟粉料仓、静电除尘器及震打电机组成。
- In the sulfuric acid production,the refractory lining materials in the fluidized bed furnace is lined with the firebrick,which is difficult for construction and maintenance,and its cost is high. 硫酸生产中,沸腾炉耐火衬里传统采用耐火砖砌筑,施工和检修相对较麻烦,费用也较高。
- S-wave section favours the disco- vering of minor faults and small structures, and the tracing of thin sand bed. 横波剖面对于识别小断层、小幅度构造和追踪薄砂层也更有效果。
- The thin sand bed is composed of tight mixed type cementation facies and untight mixed type cementation facies. 其中,薄砂层由致密混合型胶结相和非致密混合型胶结相组成;
- The scattered single barchan dunes on the non sand bed possess movability and form unstability except the high large crescent sand mountain. 非沙质床面零星分布的单个新月形沙丘具有明显的移动性和形态的不稳定性(高大新月形沙山除外)。
- The scours of a sand bed in front of a vertical breakwater acting by standing waves, broken waves or breaking waves are systematically investigated. 本文对立波、远破波、近破波作用下直立堤前海床的冲刷进行了系统的研究。
- This method is used to modeling the permeability distribution of a sand bed of the Shahejie formation(Eocene) in Pucheng oilfield, Henan province. 在濮城油田东区沙二下储层非均质性研究中,采用该方法对沙二下亚段的渗透率进行了研究,并与普通克里金法建立的模型进行了对比。
- Jishan sand bed, a delta-packed turbidite fan-deposit distributing along Jishan trough, has been attracted our attention in recent years. 基山砂岩体是近年来引起关注的一种沿基山槽展布的三角洲充填浊积扇沉积,其物性较差,储层产能预测对于这类地层显得尤为重要。
- Straightforwardly, we can see the special beds for cows with two kinds.One is sand bed, the other is offset bed. 在我们的正前方,大家看到的是奶牛的专用卧床,有沙子和胶版两种形式,奶牛卧在上面舒服、卫生。
- Keywords non ledeburite steel;fluidized bed furnace;over carburizing; 无莱氏体钢;流动粒子炉;过饱和渗碳;
- Real data processing result shows that the inversion result correlates withlogging data desirably,several high velocity sand beds being seen distinctly. 实际资料处理结果表明,反演结果与测井曲线的相关性较好,几套高速砂层反映得比较清楚。
- The Application of the Amorphous Cast Refractory Materials in Fluidized Bed Furnace in Our Company 不定形耐火浇注料在我公司沸腾炉中的应用
- Ouch! The sand is so hot! I can burn my feet. 哎哟!沙子这么烫!会烫伤脚的。
- The sand blew into the food and made it gritty. 砂吹进食物中,里边尽是砂子。
- The children were playing in the sand pit. 孩子们在沙坑中玩耍。