- The machine rests on a bed of concrete. 机器安装在混凝土基座上。
- The statue rests on a bed of concrete. 这座雕像立在混凝土的基座上。
- These buildings are made of concrete and steel. 这些房屋是用钢筋混凝土建成的。
- The gravel ingredient of concrete. 石碴组成混凝土的砂料
- She danced with great fluidity of movement. 她跳舞的动作十分流畅优美。
- A mold for the setting of concrete. 模板浇注混凝土的模板
- Engineering did not allow for much fluidity of identity to ascend. 工程不允许身份更多流动来提升。
- This kind of concrete sets quickly. 这种混凝土凝结得很快。
- They set the pole in a bed of concrete. 他们把旗竿竖在水泥基座上。
- The blocks should be laid on a bed of concrete. 石块应该固定在混凝土基座上。
- Calcium within the fluid of a noncancerous cyst (milk of calcium). 在非癌症引起的囊腫液體內的鈣(鈣奶)。
- Tomorrow can be a day of concrete acts. 明天这一天可以真枪实弹地干一下子。
- Make concrete analysis of concrete conditions. 具体问题具体分析.
- Protective earthing specification of concrete vess. 水泥船安全接地技术条件。
- Yoga awakens the breath, fluidity of the spine, and inner power. 瑜珈唤醒呼吸,脊椎和内在力量。
- The hardness of ice is similar to that of concrete. 冰的硬度和混凝土相仿。
- What is remarkable is the fluidity of the political situation. 引人注目的是这儿的政治形势变化无常。
- Each floor is a single thickness of concrete. 每层地板仅为一层混凝土
- This too allowed him enough fluidity of identity to ascend. 这也允许他身份具有足够的流动来提升。
- GA does that sort of concrete simulation very well. GA可以很好地完成那种具体仿真。