- fluid - solid coupled system 流固耦合
- A coupled system includes the coupled flow and heat transfer between fluid and solid parts, besides coupled heat transfer among solid parts. 该系统既包括了流体和固体之间的流动与传热的耦合,也包括了固体与固体之间的耦合传热。
- The best choice is to design a loosely coupled system based on services. 最佳选择就是设计一种松散耦合的基于服务的系统。
- By using the asymptotic theory a class of nonlinear coupled system is considered. 摘要利用渐近理论,讨论了一类非线性对偶系统。
- If you actually combine the best ideas of both, you end up with an extensible and modular and loosely coupled system. 如果你真的结合二者的最佳思想,就可以得到一个可扩展的、模块化的、松散耦合的系统。
- An algorithm for kinematical analysis of this coupled system with both serial and parallel conections is presented. 对于此类串并联复合的系统提出了一种运动学分析方法。
- If two superconductors, both in BCS ground state, are coupled together, the coupled system is also in SU(2) coherent state. 若两块处在BCS超导基态的超导体耦合在一起,则体系仍处在SU(2)相干态,且在一定条件下为定态超辐射态。
- Then,the interceptor has to maneuver with large angles and in this time the attitude control system is a nonlinear,MIMO,coupled system. 在这种情况下,拦截器必须进行大角度姿态机动。这时的姿态控制系统是一个非线性、多输入多输出耦合控制系统。
- The fluid pressure equation is combined with vibration equation of silicon diaphragm to construct liquid-solid coupling system equations for a micropump. 液体压强矩阵方程和压电硅片振动有限元方程耦合,得到一个包含微泵进出口扩散管的液-固耦合系统振动方程。
- Support lightweight programming models that allow for loosely coupled systems. 支持允许松散连接系统的轻量级程序模式。
- Further, supplying annotation in a crosscutting mechanism makes it possible to design a more loosely coupled system while still avoiding annotation clutter. 其次,以横切机制提供注释使得设计一种更松散耦合的系统、同时避免注释混乱成为可能。
- The oxidation/adsorption properties of polyphenol oxidase (PPO)-celite coupled system in the separation of catechol from aqueous media containing anisole were studied. 摘要研究了多酚氧化酶-矽藻土耦合系统在苯甲醚共存条件下氧化邻苯二酚及产物吸附过程的特性。
- The method of eigenvalue analysis is used to investigate the ground resonance stability of the helicopter rotor/body coupled system with two connections of dampers. 采用特征分析法计算了两种减摆器连接形式的直升机地面共振稳定性。
- Renold stress turbulence model is chosen, and three computational models, i.e. single bridge, single vehicle and vehicle-bridge coupled system, are established respectively. 首先选取了雷诺应力湍流模型,分别建立了桥梁单体模型、车辆单体模型和车桥耦合体系模型。
- Untuned coupling system may be further subdivided into three major classes. 非调谐耦合系统可进一步细分成三大类。
- Miscible compressible displacement in porous media is modelled by a nonlinear coupled system of two parabolic equations: the pressure equation and the concentration equation. 摘要有界区域上多孔介质中可压缩可混溶驱动问题由两个非线性抛物型方程耦合而成:压力方程和饱和度方程均是抛物型方程。
- The oxidation/adsorption properties of polyphenol oxidase (P PO)-celite coupled system in the separation of catechol from aqueous media con taining anisole were studied. 研究了多酚氧化酶硅藻土耦合系统在苯甲醚共存条件下氧化邻苯二酚及产物吸附过程的特性。
- The dynamics of a coupled system of semilinear parabolic equations with discrete time delays is investigated using the method of upper and lower solutions. 动态的耦合系统的半线性抛物方程的离散时间的拖延,研究使用的方法,上部和下部的解决办法。
- When the underwater structure vibrates, the vibration changes the condition around the structure and the fluid field acts on the structure inversely. So a coupling system composed of the structure and the fluid field around the structure is formed. 结构在水下运行时会产生振动,这种振动会改变结构周围流场的运动,同时流场也会对结构产生作用,这样结构及其周围流场域就组成一个流固耦合系统。
- Miscible compressible displacement in a porous media is modelled by a nonlinear coupled system of two parabolic equations: the pressure equation and the concentration equation. 摘要有界区域上多孔介质中可压缩可混溶驱动问题由两个非线性抛物型方程耦合而成:压力方程和饱和度方程均是抛物型方程。