- The argument boiled over into open war. 争论演变成了公开的论战。
- The meeting lapped over into lunchtime. 会议延长到午饭时分。
- The controversy has spilled over into other fields. 这场争论已经扩大到其它领域。
- The house has been made over into a hospital. 这座房子已改建成一所医院。
- Planes fly over our house every day, making a terrible noise. 飞机每天从我们房顶飞过,吵死人的。
- The ball has flown over his head. 球已飞过头顶。
- flown over intov. 涌入
- Multi-colored flags were flying over the rooftop. 五彩缤纷的旗子在屋顶上飘扬。
- The basement has been made over into a workshop. 这间地下室已改建成一个车间。
- When do you think we should fly over? 你看我什么时候飞过来?
- One meeting lapped over into the next. 会议一个接着一个地开。
- Planes fly over every day,making a terrible noise. 飞机每天飞过,吵死人的。
- Her reign lapped over into the seventeenth century. 她的统治延至17世纪。
- Do not fly over the city and observe strictly. 不要飞越城市上空。
- The garage has been made over into a play room. 这个车库已改为游艺室。
- Grants hero the ability to fly over terrain. 英雄得到飞行能力。
- The plane flew over the snow-covered peaks. 飞机在积雪的山峰上飞过。
- The building has been made over into a school. 这楼房已改建成一所学校。
- I saw a bird fly over the river. 我看见一只鸟儿飞过河。
- Fly over 50,000 feet in training mode. 在训练模式中飞行高度超过50,000英尺。