- A flowering tree blew down and some small shrubs were flattened. 一棵正在开花的树被吹倒了,一些小灌木也被吹毁了。
- The beautiful garden was edged with flowering trees. 那个美丽的花园的边沿栽种着树木,树上繁花盛开。
- When it comes days of "spring weather" in winter, these mume flower trees will go through a pretty good blooming period. 当冬日天气出现“小阳春”的时候,这些梅树会开得很好。
- Flowering trees shield the fish captive in the bowl. 花影护盆鱼。
- The Flowering Trees and Plants along with Bees speak to you today. 今天是有花植物及蜜蜂跟你们交流。
- I love these purple flowered trees in San Jose - called Jackoranda. 我爱这些生长在加利福尼亚州圣何塞的布满紫色花的树。
- I think that corner is the perfect place for a flowering tree, too. 我认为那个角落最适合种一棵开花的树。
- The entire area is perfumed with the strong scents of these flowering trees. 整个地方充斥着那些开花的树所散发出来的浓烈香味。
- A flowering tree was blew down and some small shrubs were flattened. 一棵正在开花的树被吹倒了,一些小灌木也被吹毁了。
- Cherry trees flower in the early spring. 樱桃树在早春开花。
- People plants all through the ages flower, besides the hydrophyte of the model such as lotus, water lily, Shui Zhu, most flowers tree is planted with clay. 历来人们种花,除了荷花、睡莲、水竹等典型的水生植物外,大多数花卉树木都是用泥土种植的。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- Tell the gardener to trim up these flower beds. 让园丁把这些花圃修剪一下。
- The flower languished from lack of water. 花因缺水而枯萎。
- It is the same in agriculture. Nine seeds can lead to thousands of flowering trees if the karmic wind blows in a good direction. 起点才是关键,就像播种一样,如果因缘的风吹对了方向,九颗种子可以繁衍出千万株树木和花朵。
- The huge trees were profiled against the night sky. 在夜空的映衬下显出大树的轮廓。
- I dare not touch the flower for its tenderness. 这花太娇嫩了,我不敢碰它。
- I potted up a flower in the newly bought flowerpot. 我把一棵花种到了新买的花盆里。
- Each flowering tree also hosts vibrations that can assist in learning the Language of Light. 每种花卉类的树木也掌握着能帮助人类学习光语言的振动。
- Pistil is the seed-producing part of the flower. 雌蕊是花结种的一部分。