- Just follow the flower pattern underneath. 那我们现在就开始吧。按照它那个下面画的花形。
- Last seen wearing: Black clothes, black pants a white hat with red flower pattern. 最后露面时的衣著:头戴白色红花帽,身穿黑裤及黑衫。
- Dip the big point of the dotting tool in black CNP.Dot a flower pattern where the hot pink and white meet, following the dotting order shown above. 将双头圆珠针笔的粗端沾取黑色浓缩指甲油,在鲜粉红和白色交界处点出一个花朵图案,点画顺序如上图所示。
- Designer Bill Blass had emphasized, "at least half of the set, the men are sleeping, they Buxiangshui in flower pattern sheets. 不同的床褥尺寸在购买之前,你当然先要仔细测量卧室的尺寸,以确定床褥的大小。
- Condole belt imprints on the dress having flower pattern is choice key, do not have melting lasting appeal one time with the combination of the jeans. 吊带连衣裙上印有花朵图案是选择重点,和牛仔裤的组合别有一番甜美韵味。
- Guangdong produce malachite first at China. (It have produce at 1997.) It have verdancy, ink green, pink green, shamrock inside flower pattern. 内部具翠绿、墨绿、粉绿、天蓝等色纹带相绕的同心、花纹和束状放射花纹,异常美丽。
- Its English name from Greece, mean is green, its beautiful green and flower pattern like feather of peafowl, after name of malachite. 其英文名称,源于然腊语,为绿色之意,她美丽的绿色与花纹,恰似孔雀毛,后人称为孔雀石。
- On the base of contour tracing, we effectively wipe off a great deal of flower pattern unrelated with KIMONO image segmentation, and get a real edge of KIMONO. 在结合边界跟踪技术的基础上,有效地去除了和服中大量的与和服分割无关的花瓣图案,得到了和服的有效边缘。
- Even if the table that is full of contemporary feeling, imprint together on the shop the bed lid that has finely flower pattern, also can become softhearted affectionately rises. 即使是布满现代感的餐桌,铺上一块印有细碎花朵图案的床盖,也会变得温情脉脉起来。
- The production technics of aluminium alloy defending fake flower pattern sheet,grind technique of flower pattern roller and sheet oxidation technique are studied. 研究了铝合金防伪花纹板材的生产工艺,花纹辊磨制方法,板材表面氧化工艺。
- The red glaze, flower pattern lid, blue and white porcelain pot produced in the Yuan Dynasty in the collection of the British David Foundation is one of the most exquisite blue and white porcelain pieces in the world. 在英国大维德基金会,收藏有中国元代青花红釉花卉纹盖罐,是青花瓷中的精品。
- Wonderful unscramble: Black can foil most the beauty that gives flower pattern is colourful, fluctuant curve brings elegant and lithe and graceful flow sense, provide sexy amorous feelings extremely. 出色解读:黑色最能衬托出花朵图案的美艳,起伏的曲线带来优雅曼妙的流动感,极具性感风情。
- Long painted flower patterns on the maidenhair tree leaves whose shapes seemed like the wings of butterflies to form the craftworks. 苏州市红星社区71岁老人龚青生,巧妙利用银杏树叶的形状和纹路,用绘画的手法将一片片树叶制作成各种美丽的“蝴蝶”,作品栩栩如生,令人称奇。
- Fennen choose warm shades of the same color as well as costume style watercolor flower patterns. 选择温暖粉嫩的色系,同色配衬以及水彩风格的花朵图案。
- Flowers, as its name implies, reminiscent of the flowers, flowers and maintop pattern is a microcosm of the flower pattern. 团花,顾名思义,使人遐想到那千姿百态的花草图案,而版纹的团花则是花草图案的缩影。
- Boy in the Temple cliff on the north-east have Shihmen temple ruins, with a grotto, carved Kuding beautiful lotus flower patterns. 在童子寺东北山崖上有石门寺遗址,内有一石窟,窟顶雕有美丽的莲花图案。
- With special material.Brocade is woven daintily.The flower patterns on it looked cloudes thus brought in the name of “Brocade”(Yun Jin). 云锦用料考究,织造精致,花纹瑰丽有如云彩,因而得名。
- Tell the gardener to trim up these flower beds. 让园丁把这些花圃修剪一下。
- This cloth has a pattern of blue and white squares. 这种布有蓝白格子的图案。
- "Yellow bamboo hat, headband with flower patterns, small blue gown and black silk pants".It is the general appearance of Huian women who live along the southeastern coastal areas. “黄斗笠、花头巾、小蓝褂、黑绸裤”是生活在我国东南沿海的一群带有符号色彩的惠安女的总体形象。