- The influence of eddying flow control trough on flowing liquid in tundish is researched through water simulating test. 通过水模试验研究了涡流控流槽对连铸中间包流体流动的影响。
- The degradation process has an effect on the GDP shell properties.The PAMS doesn't molten to flow liquid during degradation.But the degradation can reduce surface finish of GDP coatings. PAMS降解过程对GDP(辉光等离子体放电聚合物)球壳性能影响较大,在降解过程中,PAMS未转变成可流动的液态,但降低了GDP微球的表面光洁度。
- Currents of flowing liquid are caused by the difference in temperature between the top and the base of this zone. 流动的液态流是由这个流体带顶端和基部之间的温差引起的。
- Analysis of sputtering yield of flowing liquid lithium curtain surface for blanket in the deuterium saturated state, has been performed. 摘要分析了氘饱和状态下液态锂作为包层流动液帘表面的溅射问题,得到了氘饱和状态下和固态的溅射产额。
- Sols of copper clusters/n-hexane was prepared through pulsed laser ablation at the interface between copper solid target and a flowing liquid of hexane. 采用脉冲激光轰击浸于流动正己烷中的铜靶,获得铜团簇/正己烷溶胶。
- Different dispersity morphologies of In nanoparticles are prepared by pulse laser ablation at the interface of solid and flowing liquid of cyclohexane/hexnol/water/emulsifier OP. 在环己烷/正己醇/水/乳化剂微乳液中,通过脉冲激光制得并观察到了球形、扁球形、六边形及棒状分散形态的铟纳米粒子。
- Piston cooling oil outlet low flow alarm. 活塞冷却油出口流量低报警。
- The morphology and structure of product was exeminationed by TEM.the result show that the type and use level of catalyst. compositon of liquid,static or flowing liquid can affect produt greatly. 结果表明催化剂及掺杂物的种类与用量、液相组成及其流动或静止等制备因素均对产物的形态和数量有很大影响。
- A liquid is made to flow through a siphon. 使液体通过虹吸管。
- Absorption and purification referre to the process that some solids could selectively agglomerate certain compositions in flowing liquid to achieve the separation of compositions in solution. 吸附净化是利用某些固体表面能够从流体的溶液中有选择地吸附凝聚一定的组分,使溶液中的组分彼此分离的操作过程。
- A free flow of water came from the pipe. 水从管道里通畅地流了出来。
- In convection, hot currents flow upwards. 在对流中热气流向上运动。
- After several pumps, the water began to flow. 用泵抽了几下之后,水流出来了。
- R. A. M. Al-Hays and R.H.S. Winteron, “Bubble Diameter on Detachment in Flowing Liquids,” Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, vol.24, pp. 223-230(1981). 高永慧,“用声学方法测量气液混相物质中的含气量”,石油大学学报,第23卷第1期(1999)。
- A flow of word is no proof of wisdom. 口若悬河,未必明智。
- Several conclusions flow from this hypothesis. 从这项假设中可以得出几个结论。
- Many benefits will flow from this discovery. 这项发现将带来许多好处。
- The primary characteristic of ER fluids is their ability to reversibly change from free flowing liquids to semi-solids in milliseconds when exposed to an electric field. 摘要在对电流变液施加电场后,它能在毫秒内从液体和固体间转化,通过控制电流能够达到控制电流变液的粘度。
- Turn the cock to increase the flow of water. 请开大龙头以增加水流量。
- Office politics just seem to flow over him. 同事之间互相倾轧、 勾心斗角的事似乎并未波及到他。