- flow regime pattern 流型
- Disturbances in the recirculating flow regime can produce related variations in the heat release rate in the primary mixing region. 回流区域内的扰动可使主要混合区内热量释放发生相应的变化。
- Results show that the construction of the Fuling dock has a little influence on flood control and flow regime of the Fuling reach. 结果表明,修建涪陵港区码头对该河段的防洪及河势变化影响不大。
- Water flow regime and flow velocity behaviors in stepped spillways with aerated piers are studied via the model tests. 通过模型试验 ,研究了掺气分流墩台阶式溢洪道的水流流态和流速特性。
- Compaction driven flow basins are believed as existing typical centrifugal flow regime of underground water. 压实流盆地被认为是具有离心流模式的地下水流系统。
- Flow regime and head loss of two different tailrace systems in hydropower station were investigated. 对两种不同的尾水系统布置方式进行了流态和水头损失的对比分析。
- Results show that, in the turbulent flow regime, the introduction of outer agitator leads to the slight change of the velocity fields. 结果表明:在湍流域内,外桨搅拌行为的介入使得搅拌设备内流场的局部细节发生变化,但宏观流场结构不变。
- Understanding the characteristics of riverine ecosystem and flow regime is the primary condition for good management of rivers. 摘要对河流生态系统特征及流量变化的生态效应的认知,是进行河流有效管理的前提。
- A physical model of the flow regime transition from bubbling to turbulent fluidization was proposed on the basis of mechanismic experiments. 以机理实验为依据,提出了一个描述气-固流化床中从鼓泡流态化向湍动流态化流型转变的物理模型。
- The flow regime transitions of hydrodynamic cavitation were studied experimentally,which shows that the structure, strength and e... 实验考察了水力空化的演变过程,说明了空化区的结构、强度及作用效果,是开发水力空化强化化工过程的关键。
- Based on the analysis of flow regime of horizontal well,variation of both vertical and horizontal wells in high sour gas fields in early production period and the acid satur... 在对水平井流态分析的基础上,预测了高含硫气藏直井和水平井在开采初期,其含硫饱和度在不同产能下、不同井距处随时间的变化规律,为高含硫气藏科学合理开发,提供了一定的依据。
- The transition between the homogeneous bubbly flow regime and the churn-turbulent flow regime was characterized using the correlation dimension quantitatively. 通过相关维数,定量描述了泡相和乳化相间流型的过渡。
- The oil-water flow measurement could be better made if flow regime identification was combined with the model of the oil-water two-phase flow measurement using a Venturi tube. 如果将流型识别与推导得到的文丘里油水两相流流量测量模型相结合,可以较好地实现油水两相流的流量测量。
- Based on the data of flow passing by Lijin Hydrometric Station,rainfall in the Yellow River basin,and human activities,the paper shows the feature of the flow regime change and the causes of formation. 利用黄河入海控制站利津的实测水文资料及黄河流域的降水和人类活动影响的相关资料等,分析了近期黄河入海水量变化的特征及变化的原因。
- It concludes that percolation of roller compact concrete is of self-compactness by time effect under continuous action of water head and there may exist partial Darcy flow regime in roller compact concrete under high water head. 认为在持续水头作用下,碾压混凝土的渗透具有时效自密性;高水头作用下的碾压混凝土可能存在偏达西流现象。
- The measurement characteristic of SRG was analyzed, and the conclusion was that the rates of the rotational decay of SRG caused by the different gas species could be added up in the molecular flow regime. 分析了磁悬浮转子规的测量特点,指出在分子流范围内,不同气体成分引起的磁悬浮转子规转速衰减率具有可线性迭加性。
- Four flow regime as packed bed, spouting-moving bed, spouted bed with pulsation and slugging bed are observed when auxiliary and spouting gas velocities are changed into different levels. 随着辅助气速和喷动气速的改变,可观察到床中粒子处于固定床、稳定喷动床、脉动喷动床、腾涌床四种不同的流动状态。
- Electromagnetic imaging well logging can get the real-time distribution sections of the oil, gas and water in well, and identify flow regime by image, which is followed by calculating flow parameters. 电磁流动成像测井可以实时测量油井内油、气、水在流动截面上的分布图像,进一步通过图像分析识别流体的流型,提取流动参量。
- The relationship for hydro-dynamic parameters (flow regime, flowveloc ity, depth and friction factor) as a function of flow discharge and slope gradie nt was simulated by means of flume experiments. 采用变坡水槽研究了坡面流水动力学参数(流态、流速、水深及阻力系数)随流量和坡度的变化规律。