- Friends managed to reconcile him with his wife after years of separation. 经过多年分居后朋友们设法使他与妻子重修旧好。
- They reunited after long years of separation. 他们多年别离后重聚。
- Husband and wife do not and 10 of separation. 夫妻不和分居十多年,早已名存实枉。
- The act or process of separating or dividing. 分离,区分分离或分开的行为或过程
- flotation of separation 分离浮选
- The process of separating one block into two or more records. 将一个块分解成两个或多个记录的处理过程。
- An air-filled sac or structure that aids in the flotation of an aquatic organism. 气囊水生动植物器官中用来帮助飘浮用的充满气体的囊或结构
- Father and child were reunited after ten years of separation. 父子在分离十年之後重聚。
- The rea-sults of experiment indicated that using sulphurization first thenoxidation could realize the separation flotation of lead oxide. 试验结果表明,采用先硫后氧方法可实现氧化铅的浮选分离。
- She couldn't bear the thought of separation from her children. 想到要与孩子分离,她就忍受不了。
- You leave your memory as flame to my lonely lamp of separation. 离别后,你抛下的记忆,点燃了我那盏孤寂的灯。
- The copper and sulfur flotation flowsheet of Chengchao Iron Concentrator consists of bulk flotation followed by the separation flotation of copper from sulfur. 程潮铁矿选矿厂铜、硫浮选流程为先混合浮选、后分离浮选工艺流程。
- Insulation of separate wall and beam in Ref. RM. 冷库隔墙及顶大梁处绝缘。
- The act of separating or breaking up; dissolution. 分散分离或断离的行动;分散。
- So the magnetization treatment can influence the flotation of both coal and coal gangue, with the coal in particular. 磁化处理捕收剂、起泡剂对煤和煤矸石的可浮性均有影响,对煤的影响尤为显著。
- Of, relating to, or formed of separate particles. 微粒的分开的微粒的,与分开的微粒有关的,由分开的微粒形成的
- An air-filled sacor structure that aids in the flotation of an aquatic organism. 气囊水生动植物器官中用来帮助飘浮用的充满气体的囊或结构。
- Zinc2+ activates the flotation of silver-doped sphalerite while depresses the flotation of AgCl, Ag2SO4 and Ag2O. 锌离子对银浸染闪锌矿浮选有活化作用,而对AgCl、Ag_SO_4、Ag_2O浮选起抑制作用。
- The effective flotation of wolframite-slime would still be a difficult problem in need of solution. 黑钨矿细泥的有效浮选仍是有待解决的选矿难题。
- Fe~(3+) and Ca~(2+) ions show a high activating reaction on the flotation of spodumene and beryl. Fe~(3+)和Ca~(2+)对锂辉石和绿柱石都有较强的活化作用。