- More food and drugs have been hurried to the flooded areas. 已赶紧向水灾灾区送去了更多的食品和药品。
- They are requesting air drop of foodstuffs to the flooded area. 他们要求对洪灾地区空投食品。
- They request airdroping foodstuffs to the flooded area. 他们要求对洪灾地区空投食品。
- They contributed food and medicine to people in the flooded area. 他们向受淹地区的人们捐助食物和药品。
- He mentioned the shortage of food in the flooded area. 他提到了灾区缺少食品的问题。
- They are requesting air drops of foodstuffs to the flooded areas. 他们要求对洪灾地区空投食品。
- A party of rescue was transported to the flooded area by air. 一支营救队空运到洪灾地区了。
- News has begun to trickle out of the flooded area about the number of dead. 水灾区渐渐传出了有关死亡人数的消息。
- Large amounts of relief material were conveyed to the flood area. 大量的救援物资被送到了遭受洪水的地区。
- News had began to trickle out of the flooded area about the number of the dead. 死亡人数的消息从灾区慢慢传来。
- A concert was given in aid of the flooded areas. 为了帮助洪涝灾区救灾筹款,举行了一次音乐会。
- The overseas Chinese donated medicine and clothes to the flooded area. 海外华人向受灾地区捐赠药品和服装。
- UN planes have been flying food and medical supplies into the flooded area. 联合国飞机一直在空运食物和医疗急需品到水灾区。
- The money they raised from the concert all went to the flooded area. 举办音乐会所得款项全部捐赠给水灾地区。
- The local government has meted out relief to the people in the flooded area. 当地政府已经把救济物资分发给了水灾地区的人们。
- People in the flooded areas are pressed for food and medicine. 水灾区的人民缺粮少药。
- A flooded area means an area to which floodwater reaches without the protect ion of works. 洪泛区是指尚无工程设施保护的洪水泛滥所及的地区。
- We aided the people in the flooded areas with money. 我们用钱支援洪灾区的人民。
- The helicopter circled about the flooded area,looking for a proper landing field. 直升飞机在洪水地区上空盘旋,想找一处适合降落的地方。
- People in the flooded areas are on relief from every part of our country. 水灾区的人民接受来自全国各地人民的救济。