- flocs from water treatment 水处理絮体
- Cyclops of zooplankton can be thoroughly removed from water treatment process to insure drinking water quality by in-depth study and design improving water treatment craft. 相信通过更加深入的研究和设计;必将完善水处理工艺;从而达到彻底在水处理过程中安全有效的去除剑水蚤类浮游动物、保证饮用水质安全的目的.
- The floc formed has better sedimentation property, and easily be separated from water. 并且产生的絮状物沉降性能好,容易从水中分离出来。
- These chemicals are difficult to remove from water. 要从水中清除这些化学物质是困难的。
- This is a water treatment process by which finely divided suspended and colloidal matter in water is made to join together and form flocs. 这是一种水处理过程,制造能够细微分开水中悬浮和胶状物的物质,来结合并生成絮状物。
- Come up to the surface of or rise,as from water. 出现于表面或显露。
- Filters do not remove all contaminants from water. 过滤器无法过滤掉水中的所有污染物。
- Most of electricity comes from water power plants. 大部分电力是由水力发电厂生产的。
- Eg. The ice is change from water. 冰是由水变来。
- Zhejiang Taiyu Water Treatment Technology Co., Ltd. 浙江泰宇水处理科技有限公司。
- The charge neutralization is called coagulation, andthebuilding of larger flocs from smaller particles is calledflocculation. 这种电中和被称为混凝,由小颗粒形成大絮体的过程被称为絮凝。
- Beijing JZHY Water Treatment Equipment Co., Ltd. 北京九州环宇水处理设备有限公司。
- Heat causes the formation of steam from water. 热气造成水形成蒸气。
- Beijing Yuhui Water Treatment Technology Co., Ltd. 北京禹辉水处理技术有限公司。
- Oxygen can be separated from water. 氧可以从水中分离出来。
- Blue Star Water Treatment Technology Co., Ltd. 蓝星水处理技术有限公司。
- It is shown how the Deity gives life from water. 它告诉我们神如何把生命借由水赐给(我们)。
- Erie Water Treatment Controls Ltd. 美国伊瑞尔水处理控制器有限公司。
- You better avoid iron from water in case it rusts. 你最好不要让铁接触水,以免生锈。
- Hangzhou ENPR Water Treatment Technology Co., Ltd. 杭州英普水处理技术有限公司。