- The tests show that biochemical flocculation process is superior to chemical flocculation process. 试验表明化学生物絮凝处理工艺优于化学絮凝工艺。
- It was studied that ammonia-oxidizing bacteria(AOB) community in a nitrifying suspension tower for biochemical flocculation process,using PCR-DGGE technique. 利用PCR-DGGE分析技术,对于化学生物絮凝处理工艺中悬浮填料塔的氨氧化细菌(AOB)群落进行了研究。
- An industrial mixing wastewater from an economic developmental area was treated by ferrum aeration and neutralization flocculation process. 对某有机有毒酸性工业混合废水,采用铁刨花曝气还原加中和絮凝沉淀法进行预处理研究。
- High strength printing and dyeing wastewater was treated by the advanced supermicro aeration-electric flocculation process. 应用先进的超微细曝气法和电絮凝法处理高浓度印染废水,处理效果显著。
- The effect of applying A/O oxidation and flocculation process to treat special organic wastewater in different operating conditions was studied. 采用厌氧-好氧-氧化偶合絮凝工艺处理特种有机废水,研究了在不同运行参数条件下处理废水的效果。
- The factors influencing de-emulsifying are investigated in treating oil/water rolling emulsion by electrolytic flocculation process. 用电凝聚法处理轧制乳化废水,探讨了影响破乳的各种因素,确定了最佳处理条件。
- Results showed that it was feasible to treat wastewater by biochemical flocculation process, and effluent can meet relative discharge criteria. 结果表明用化学生物絮凝工艺来处理城市污水是可行的,且出水能够达到相关的排放标准。
- A study was made on the characteristics of the molecular weight distribution and the removal of the dissolved organic matter in the Chemical-Biological Flocculation Process(CBFP). 研究了化学生物絮凝工艺对溶解性有机物的去除效果及其分子质量分布的变化特征,并分别与化学强化一级工艺、初沉池和二级生物处理工艺的出水进行对比。
- Objective:To compare the fit and unfit of alcohol precipitation process and chitosan flocculation process used in purification of extract of yanyan buccal tablets. 目的:比较醇沉法和壳聚糖絮凝法用于咽炎口含片浸膏纯化的优劣。
- By bench scale and pilot tests using PAC and PAM as agents for Wool Scouring Effluent(WSE),the effect of influent density on the flocculation process was investigated. 对PAC、PAM复合使用于洗毛废水时原水浓度与投药量关系进行了小试和中试。
- The flocculation processes by DTC in the presence of Fe2+ were discussed. 讨论了DTC在Fe2+参与下的絮凝过程。 图5表1参8。
- Tang Hongxiao.Features and mechanism for coagulation flocculation processes of polyaluminum choride [ J ].J.Environmental Sciences, 1995,7(2) :204. 路光杰曲久辉.;电解法制备高效聚合絮凝剂的研究进展[J]
- chemical- biological flocculation process 化学生物絮凝工艺
- According to this approach, some basic conclusions have been achieved through investigat -ing the flocculation processes of concentrated kaolinite suspension-- poly -acrylamide systems. 并通过对聚丙烯酰胺絮凝高岭土浓悬浮液体系的研究,初步得出了一些混凝形态学的基本结论。
- rotating electrochemical disc/electrolytic flocculation process 电化学转盘/电凝聚法
- Zeta Electric Potential of Oilfield Wastewater in Flocculation Process 油田作业废水絮凝过程中Zeta电位的研究
- Domestic Wastewater Treatment Using Short Direct Areation- Flocculation Process 短时直接曝气-过滤法处理生活污水
- It is a leap in the process of cognition. 这是认识过程的一次飞跃。