- floc sedimentation 絮团
- He emptied out the water barrel to clear it of sediment. 他把水桶倒空以清掉桶底的沉淀物。
- The resulting microbial floc (activated sludge) is settled in a sedimentation vessel called a clarifier or thickener. 生成的微生物絮凝物(活化污泥)就沉淀在一个被称为沉淀池或压滤池的沉淀器中。
- The floc formed has better sedimentation property, and easily be separated from water. 并且产生的絮状物沉降性能好,容易从水中分离出来。
- You should not drink the wine with a gritty sediment. 不要喝有沙粒状沉淀物的葡萄酒。
- Something that settles to the bottom of a fluid; sediment. 沉渣沉到液体底部的东西; 沉积物
- Keywords: fractal, nucleate boiling, floc, biological aggregates. 关键词:碎形、核沸腾、胶羽、生物聚集体。
- What does the terrigenous sediment consist of? 陆源沉积物是由什么组成的?
- Sediment has been washed down from the upper lake. 湖泊上游带下许多沉积物。
- Sutherland D N.Comments on Vold's simulation of floc formation[J]. 谭万春王云波李冬梅等.;计算机模拟技术在絮凝体分形成长中的应用[J]
- All sediment deposition is not injurious. 所有的泥沙淤积并不都是有害的。
- Natural sediment particles are not spherical. 天然泥沙颗粒不是球状的。
- The electronic microscopic analysis of the floc contigura... 絮团结构的电镜结构分析证实了“假象大分子”的形成。
- Pelagic sediment contains tiny grain of material. 远洋沉积物包含了微细物质颗粒。
- These oils are characterized by their very low Freon-12 Floc Point. 它们的氟氯烷12絮凝点低。
- Stain of the sediment reveals numerous bacteria. 尿沉渣染色显示无数细菌。
- The sediment of coffee will be filtered. 咖啡渣会被过滤掉。
- To wash gravel, sand, or other sediment in a pan. 淘金在淘金盆中冲洗矿砂、沙子或其他沉积物
- Sediment building up on the ocean floor. 海底积累的沉积物
- Is the sediment of a rainbow-like dream? 揉碎在浮藻间,沉淀着彩虹似的梦。