- flobal stability 全局稳定性
- Global strategic balance and stability. 全球战略平衡和稳定。
- Political stability is essential to economic prosperity. 政治稳定对经济繁荣是必要的。
- Something that gives stability, especially in character. 稳定因素表明稳定性的因素,尤指在性格方面
- This is conducive to economic stability. 这有助于经济的稳定。
- Recessing the oxidizer tube improves stability. 氧化剂管的凹陷使稳定性增强。
- The government has taken a measure to maintain the stability of prices. 政府已经采取了措施以确保物价稳定。
- Our country set stability and unity at a premium. 我们国家十分重视安定团结。
- Afghanistan has not regained full stability. 阿富汗局势尚未完全稳定。
- The situation is tending towards stability. 局势趋于稳定。
- General stability has been achieved in the country. 天下大定。
- In China the overriding need is for stability. 中国的问题,压倒一切的是需要稳定。
- Why does the line of stability bend and end? 为什么稳定性线弯曲和终止?
- A "bad" trip can destroy a person's stability. 严重的幻觉可能使一个人永远失去自制力。
- The war could threaten the stability of the region. 战争可能会影响到这个地区的稳定。
- Depend in the direction of stability. 朝着稳定的方向进行依赖。
- We must promote stability and unity. 我们必须促进安定团结。
- The alloy has excellent thermal stability. 合金有极好的温度稳定性。
- Maximize abstraction to maximize stability. 最大的抽象化以达到最大的稳定性。
- Terrorism is a scourge that undermines stability. 恐怖主义是破坏稳定的社会公害。