- floating disc refiner 浮动式盘磨机
- It ls an ideal continuously running refiner It can be used singlemulti series. lt is generally arranged in series wlth double disc refiner. 是国内外常用的较为理想的连续打浆设备.可单台使用或多台串联使用.也可与双圆盘磨浆机等设备串联使用。
- The in paper discnssed to mathematical model of quality control for TMP pulp,establishing an set mathematical model for consistency control and interstice control of disc refiner. 在研究烃浓度盖层形成地质条件的基础上,提出了上覆烃浓度盖层对下伏天然气扩散屏蔽作用的两种模式,即完全屏蔽模式和部分屏蔽模式。
- Since stop-check valves have a floating disc member, it is important the valve be sized to provide full disc lift under flow conditions prevailing during the major portion of the service life. 由于截止止回阀具有一个浮动阀瓣构件,因此重要的是要确定在平常的流体环境下及阀门的使用寿命期限内,能够为阀瓣提供足够提升力的通径。
- With the improved step-control algorithm, pulp-beating degree control on the disc refiner is realized, and the application in the engineering practice proves that the system has a good controleffect. 利用改进后的步进控制算法,实现了对盘磨比能量控制,达到了控制打浆度的目的。
- Disc refiner Machine which refines pulp by rubbing fibres between vertical rotating discs. 碟型磨浆机由两片垂直旋转的碟构成的打浆机器。它把纤维作精细的研磨。
- Disc refiner: Machine which refines pulp by rubbing fibres between vertical rotating discs. 碟型磨浆机:由两片垂直旋转的碟构成的打浆机器。它把纤维作精细的研磨。
- In this paper, a novel refining consistency control method of a high consistency conical disc refiner is introduced. 介绍了高浓锥形磨浆机双闭环浓度控制方法。
- A Kind of Hydraulic Floating Disc Brake 一种液压浮动盘式刹车
- Floating disc type output mechanism 浮动盘输出机构
- Relation between presentation of plate bar ad quality of refining pulp, power consumption is studied. Contributions for new fine bar of double disc refiner (DDR) is introduced. 摘要研究成装质量、打浆功率的消耗与磨片齿型的关系,简述细齿磨片的优越性。
- Relation between presentation of plate bar and quality of refining pulp, power consumption is studied. Contributions for new fine bar of double disc refiner(DDR) is introduced. 研究成浆质量、打浆功率的消耗与磨片齿型的关系,简述细齿磨片的优越性。
- Improvement of Double Disc Refiner 双盘磨的改进
- Control of the Disc Refiner Beating Process 盘磨机打浆过程的控制
- high consistency conical disc refiner 高浓锥形磨浆机
- The ship ran a foul of the floating seaweed. 船和漂流的海藻纠缠在一起。
- I reached for a floating log with my foot. 我伸脚去钩取一段漂浮着的木头。
- Have you seen my keys floating about (anywhere)? 你在什麽地方见到我的钥匙了吗?
- The raft was floating gently down the river. 筏子顺河水缓缓漂流。
- There wasn't enough water to float the ship. 水不够深,船浮不起来。