- flexile shear zone 韧性剪切带
- The displacement of this shear zone was about 8km. 剪切位移量为 8 km左右.
- Jinjiawu gold deposit is controlled by the beded brittle-ductile shear zone. 摘要金家坞金矿受控于一条顺层脆-韧性剪切带。
- The Yingfeng rapakivi granite which like a bean between Tanjianshan group and Dakendaban group, located between scale ductile shear zone. 摘要鹰峰岩体侵位于达肯大阪群和万洞沟群之间,呈扁豆状产出。
- There are neoformative foliation and lineation(stretching lineation) in the shear zone. 剪切带以出现新生的面理和线理(拉伸线理)为特征。
- The shear zone is a secondary structure zone of the syn-collision stage of Southern Tarim block with Ili-Isaik block. 该剪切带属南侧塔里木与伊犁-伊塞克两陆块碰撞缝合构造同碰撞期的次级构造带。
- Jinlin gold deposit lies in the eastern subzone of the west Mianning shear zone. 金林金矿位于冕西韧性剪切带的东带。
- It belongs to the ductile shear zone type of a gold deposit in the greenstone belt. 矿床受元古界基性、酸性双峰式火山岩层位及韧性剪切带双重控制,属绿岩带中的韧性剪切带型金矿床。
- In this paper the author discusses the petrography feature of the rock in the scale ductile shear zone and the characteristics of the shear belt. 本文主要从岩石学的角度论述了两条韧性剪切带内的岩石岩相学特征,讨论了韧性剪切带以及剪切带内岩石的特征。
- The gold deposites of altered cataclasites in Wulonggou are controlled by reginal ductile shear zone and form in fractures. 五龙沟以蚀变碎裂岩型为主的金矿床受区域韧性剪切带构造背景控制,产出于北西、北北西向断裂中。
- The tectonite in Gezhen ductile shear zone is devided into three series: mylonite, cataclastics rock, structure schist and structure genesis. 海南戈枕韧性剪切带中构造岩可划分为糜棱岩、碎裂岩、构造片岩及构造片麻岩3种系列,每一系列又可以细分为几类,各具显著特征。
- The body movement mode of the landslide is a high speed monoblock sliding which lead the fluidization of the clay in the shear zone. 其顺层主体连接缓倾角阻滑区的结构是孕育高速滑坡的典型结构。
- Jin-Chang-Yu gold occurred in the course of the formation of brittle-ductile shear zone(B-DSZ) and the brittle fault(BF)in Mesozoic era. 太古代末形成的韧性剪切带和金矿无直接成因联系,但为后期脆一韧性剪切带的叠加提供条件。
- Longsheng shear zone type gold deposit is divided into quartz vein type, fine quartz vein type and quartz stockwork type deposit. 桂北龙胜剪切带型金矿划分为石英脉型、石英薄脉型和石英细脉网脉型金矿。
- It is obvious that this ductile shear zone is the direct tectonic boundary of between Qiongzhong terrain and Sanya terrain. 这条韧性剪切带无疑是琼中地体与三亚地体对接带的直接构造记录。
- The earlier ductile shear zone controlled the distribution of the quartz veins, and the late brittle fault controlled the orebody directly. 早期韧性剪切带只对矿脉起宏观控制作用,晚期的脆性断裂为含金石英脉的直接控矿构造。
- The gold orebody and ore spot occur in filsic mylonites.The mineralization is closely associ-ated with the activity Qf ductile shear zone. 认为金矿体和金矿点产于长英质糜棱岩类岩石中,成矿作用与韧性剪切带的活动密切相关。
- The disharmonious kinematic character in the middle part relative to the rest parts indicates that the shear zone had been rotated since its formation. 该剪切带内现今所保留运动学特征及其在空间上的变化反映其形成后经历过旋转改造。
- The Kanggul gold deposit is situated in the southern margin of the Kanggultage ductile shear zone and controlled by the brittle ductile shear belt. 康古尔金矿床位于东天山康古尔塔格韧性剪切带的南缘过渡带,矿床受脆-韧性剪切带控制。
- The change from granite to foliated granite is transitional and there is no discontinuity between them. I think this foliated belt is a ductile shear zone. 从花岗岩到片理化花岗岩的变化是逐渐过渡的,二者之间不存在不连续面。我认为这个片理化岩带是一个韧性剪切带。