- Ingredients: Pearl essence, elastin, gentian root extract, vitamin E, etc. 主要成份:精纯珍珠精华、弹力蛋白、龙胆草、维他命E等。
- Rootstock a dense cluster of fleshy roots. 缠绕的在顶部,全部被微柔毛。
- A strong-scented plant(Pastinaca sativa) cultivated for its long, white, edible, fleshy root. 欧洲萝卜,欧洲防风根一种有强烈气味的植物(美国防风)因长有长而白且可食用的肉根而栽培
- Definition: Largeleaf Gentian Root is the dried root of Gentiana macrophylla Pall., Gentiana straminea Maxim. 本品为龙胆科植物秦艽 Gentiana macrophylla Pall.;、麻花秦艽 Gentiana straminea Maxim
- A perennial herb(Lewisia rediviva), native to western North America and having showy pink or whitish flowers and an edible, fleshy root. 苦根琉维草,苦根马齿苋一种多年生草本植物(苦根琉维草琉维草属),原产于北美西部,有鲜艳粉色或白色花朵和可食肉质根
- The seedling emergence rate and the stocking percent of the columniform fleshy root are 13.0%.The spindleshaped fleshy root can not be u... 圆柱形肉质根的出苗率和成苗率为13.;0%25;纺锤形肉质根不能用于繁殖种苗。
- The article discusses the mechanism in treating jaundice by removing wind and dampness and smoothening secretion with large-leaf gentian root. 古今文献对秦艽用治黄疸均有相关报道,试从秦艽祛风胜湿和通利二便的功效探讨秦艽治疗黄疸的机制。
- European plant(Scorzonera hispanica) in the composite family, having heads of yellow ray flowers and a large, edible, fleshy root. 细卷鸦葱:一种菊科欧洲产植物(细卷鸦葱鸦葱属),长有头状花序的黄色伞形花序枝花朵及大的、可食肉质根
- Contains natural fibroin to provide skin with whiteness, brightness and health enhanced. Also combines ASPF, pure vitamin C,gentian root extract, grape seed extract. 蕴含的天然丝蛋白能提供肌肤优越的亮白光泽并强化皮肤的健康,配合莓多酚,精纯维生素C,黄成胆根提取物,葡萄籽萃取物等功效成份:
- A central Asian dandelion(Taraxacum koksaghyz) having fleshy roots that yield a form of rubber. 橡胶草,青胶蒲公英一种中亚的蒲公英(橡胶草蒲公英属),长有能分泌一种橡胶的肉质根
- The cultivation of wild ginger, flat fritillary bulb, rough gentian root and other traditional Chinese medicines have become an important way to improve agriculture and increase farmers' income. 北细辛、平贝母、龙胆草等中药材的栽培已成为农业增效、农民增收的一条重要途径。
- A central Asian dandelion(Taraxacum koksaghyz)having fleshy roots that yield a form of rubber. 橡胶草,青胶蒲公英一种中亚的蒲公英(橡胶草蒲公英属),长有能分泌一种橡胶的肉质根
- Objective: To study the therapeutic effect of added Largeleaf Gentian Root and Atractylodes Rhizome Decoction applied to rectitis and anal canal inflammation by different means of administration. 目的:探讨不同给药途径下加味秦艽苍术汤治疗直肠肛管炎的临床疗效。
- Herbs perennial, usually andropolygamous, with short, thick rhizomes and stout, slightly fleshy roots. 多年生草本,通常雄性和两性的,具短,厚根状茎和粗壮,稍肉质根。
- Chiefly terrestrial orchids with tubers or fleshy roots often having long slender spurs and petals and lip lobes,includes species formerly placed in genus Gymnadeniopsis. 陆地兰花的一个属,具细长的刺和花瓣,唇缘圆裂片,块茎或肉质根,包括以前归入假手参的种。
- Plant with fleshy roots and erect stems with narrow succulent leaves and 1 reddish-orange flower in each upper leaf axil,southwestern United States,Indians once cooked the fleshy roots. 具有肉质化的根,直立的茎,狭窄、多汁的叶,每个叶腋上部有一朵橙红色的花,产自美国西南部,印第安人曾烹制过其肉质的根。
- Identification between True and False Thickstem Gentian Root 一种伪品秦艽的鉴别
- Standardized Planting Techniques of Large-leaf Gentian Root 秦艽规范化种植技术
- The fleshy underside of the end of a finger or toe. 肉垫手指或脚趾末端多肉的下侧