- Tigers are flesh eating animals. 虎是肉食动物.
- Why can turnip and anguine flesh eat together? 萝卜和蛇肉为什么不可以一起吃?
- And one of the main causes of cancer is eating animal products. 而引起癌症的一个很重要的原因就是食用动物产品。
- They also eat animal cephalopods, including squid and octopus. 它们还吃头足纲动物,包括鱿鱼和章鱼。
- He said, "Oh Sticky-Hair, you have been born as a murderous blood sucking flesh eating demon because of unwholesome deeds in your past. 他说:啊,粘发鬼,你投生为一个嗜血食生肉凶残的妖怪是因为你往世做了许多坏事。
- It's stomach churning.Throat slitting, human flesh eating, people going insane and being burned alive.NOT a good movie to watch on a plane. 电影十分恶心.;人发疯,人杀人,人吃人肉,人绍人
- Richard Tilbury (p.66) continues his busy month with us as we continue our Painting the Undead series, and in this part we look at flesh eating Zombies! 理查德蒂尔伯里(66页)他继续与我们繁忙的一个月,我们将继续我们的绘画系列的亡灵,在这部分中,我们吃的肉看僵尸!
- Westerners don't eat animal entrails, but Chinese eat them with relish. 西方人不吃动物的内脏,但中国人却吃得津津有味。
- METHODS:Wistar female rats were selected to establish EAT animal models. 方法:选用雌性Wistar大鼠建立EAT动物模型。
- Westerners don't eat animal entrails , but Chinese eat them with relish. 西方人不吃动物的内脏,但中国人却吃得津津有味。
- Tasked with keeping the workers of Jakobs Cove alive, Dr.Ned does his job a little too well, creating flesh eating zombies and other ghastly abominations that now run rampant in this region. 与保持雅各布斯湾活着工人顾名思义,内德博士他的工作确实有点太清楚,创造肉吃僵尸和其他可怕的恶劣行为,现在运行在该地区猖獗。
- A grass eating animal cannot exist without grass, a predator without prey, a plant without certain basic chemicals or certain kinds of soil. 食草动物没有草不能生存,食肉动物没有猎物无法活命,植物没有一定的基本化学物质或一定的土壤就生长不了。
- She is an animal rights activist. She believes we should not eat animals. 她是一个动物权利激进分子,她认为我们不该吃动物。
- The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. 心有余而力不足。
- "However, the whip carried out ate animal Sibu also treated differently. “不过,吃动物鞭进行食补也需区别对待。”
- The flesh of a game animal used as food. 野味用作食物的猎物的肉
- For example, when we eat animal based foods, the food itself is contaminated with poison which comes from the animal when being killed. 例如,当我们吃动物的肉,那些动物被杀时所放出的毒素会使我们中毒甚至生病。
- Pig B:(Despise ground):Match!This all what exergue, return to eat animal feed?Today I eat of Japanese cuisine, that call one is great. 猪乙:(不屑地):哇赛!这都什么年月了,还吃饲料哇?今天我去吃的日本料理,那叫一个爽。
- They kill and eat animals for food," said Tilson, "including humans. "狄森说.
- It was more than flesh and blood could bear. 这是血肉之躯无法忍受的。