- flaws in rule of law 法治瑕疵
- Why Anti-interpretation in the Rule of Law? 法治为什么反对解释?
- The Rule of Law and Policy of Wind Power in U.S.A. 美国风力发电法规和政策。
- Development report of rule of law in China III. 中国法治发展报告2。
- The department of law and news should train the professional newscast people who believe in rule of law and praise it highly and hunt for it and defend it. 法律新闻专业应培养出众多信仰法治、推崇法治、追求法治和捍卫法治的新闻传播从业人员。
- Our legal modernization has been come into a new step since 1978. The modernization in rule of law and legal system has obtained great development, but that in legal consciousness has dropped behind. 我国自十一届三中全会以来,法制变革进入了新的历史阶段,取得一系列有目共睹的成绩,但相对于法律规则和法律制度层面的现代化进程的前进步伐,法律意识层面的现代化进程明显滞后,在实践中已严重制约了法律法规的实效。
- Democracy is predicated upon the rule of law. 民主是以法制为基础的。
- lack of the credit in rule of law 信用缺失
- Relationships often trump the rule of law. 关系往往凌驾于法律之上。
- We continued to combine rule of law with rule by virtue. 坚持依法治国和以德治国相结合。
- When we were lost in chaos and rampage, you demanded rules of law. 我们因骚乱闹事而遭受损失;你们说应当有法治.
- The rule of law has kept our society open,fair and law abiding. 法治制度使我们的社会开放公平,市民奉公守法。
- Can you spot the flaw in their argument? 你能指出他们论点中的谬误吗?
- The rule of law is the cornerstone of Hong Kong's success. 法治是香港成功的基础。
- The flaw in this vase makes it less valuable. 这个花瓶因为有点缺陷,不那么值钱了。
- However, the substantial flaws in the "rules of civil evidence" as well reflect the defection of amending our Civil Procedure Law. 但是,从另一方面来看,该规则却显露了我们在民事诉讼立法方面的重大缺漏。
- Help the people understand the importance of the rule of law. 在全体人民中树立法制观念。
- The absence of flaw in beauty is itself a flaw. 美中无瑕疵,本身是瑕疵。
- The best way to unify the people is the rule of law. 一民之轨,莫如法。
- Flaws in the goods, Invalidity of impunity clauses. 产品质量存瑕疵免责条款判无效。