- It is pointed out that the combination of various methods can appraise the flame retardance rather well. 指出将多种测试方法结合使用可以更好地评价材料的阻燃性能。
- The results showed that PTFE was antagonistic to MCA and PTFE had negative effects on flame retardance. 结果表明,PTFE与MCA之间有对抗效应,加入PTFE后材料的阻燃性能有所降低;
- The induction of flame retardance to other substrates is current area of development. 把阻燃性导入别的基体材料是目前正在开发的领域。
- The flame retardance of red phosphorus and aluminium hydroxide filledpolyethylene was studied. 研究了将红磷和氢氧化铝填充在聚乙烯体系中的阻燃性。
- The effect of ethylenebis (tetrabromophthalimide) ( BT - 93w) on the flame retardance and the other properties of HIPS has been studied. 研究了阻燃剂乙撑双四溴邻苯二甲酰亚胺(BT-93w)对高抗冲聚苯乙烯(HIPS)的燃烧性能、物理力学性能及熔体流动性能的影响,探讨了其与几种常用阻燃体系阻燃的HIPS在各项性能及耐候性方面的差异。
- In addition, the method of enwrapping could increase the flame retardance and mechanical property of nanocomposites greatly. 同时,采用包覆的方法对填料进行改性,阻燃性能和力学性能大大提高。
- The effcct of resorcinol bis(diphenyl phosphate)(RDP), compatibilizer, plasticizer on the flame retardance of PC/ABS was researched. 研究了间苯二酚双(二苯基磷酸酯)(RDP)、增容剂和增韧剂对聚碳酸酯(PC)/(丙烯腈/丁二烯/苯乙烯)共聚物(ABS)合金阻燃性能的影响。
- The microencapsulated APP arid the effect of IFR on the flame retardance, mechanical properties, thermal stability and morphology of PP were studied. 考察了阻燃剂IFR中聚磷酸铵(APP)的微胶囊包覆效果以及阻燃剂IFR对PP的阻燃性能、力学性能、热稳定性以及表面形态等的影响。
- Flame retardance and low smokiness: Do not increase the burning inhibitor then to achieve UL94-V0 the standard, and the low smoking. 适用范围:目前国内主要用于防酸碱注塑件、挤出电线电组、内衬、喷涂、吹塑方面。
- The modification was to reducing viscosity,increasing flexibility,and improving heat resistant and flame retardance abilities. 改性主要是针对降低黏度,增加柔韧性,提高耐热、阻燃等性能。
- MP could markedly promote the condensation process, decrease the fire resistance of melt drip and improve the flame retardance. 而MP可显著增强其凝聚相过程,有效降低材料的熔滴燃烧性,提高材料的阻燃性能。
- The effect of 4A zeolite on the flame retardance of the PP was studied,and the materials were characterized by means of TGA. 结果表明:少量的4A分子筛可以明显提高MP/PER阻燃PP的阻燃性能。
- The introduction of phosphorus to improve the flame retardance of epoxy resin systems has been the focus of attention by researchers in recent years. 将磷导入环氧树脂体系而赋予其阻燃性能是目前热门的研究课题。
- The influence of chlorobutadiene rubber(CBR) proportion on the physical properties,aging properties and flame retardance of CBR/CR,NBR or CPE blends was investigated. 考察氯化顺丁橡胶(CBR)用量对其与CR,NBR或CPE并用胶的物理性能、耐老化性能和阻燃性能的影响。
- Melamine could polymerized with other polymers to form crosslinked network structure, which could improve the strength, toughness and flame retardance and other properties. 三聚氰胺可以和其它聚合物发生聚合反应,形成立体网状结构,提高聚合物的强度、韧性、阻燃性等。
- The experimental results showed that the combination of DGB-DDYP and crosslinking agent could impart polyester fabric good flame retardance,antistatic... 将封端基水性聚氨酯与该整理剂及棉纤维发生交联反应,可赋予棉织物耐久的阻燃和抗菌等性能。
- Will Halogenated Flame Retardants Be Replaced in the Future? 卤系阻燃剂会被取代吗?
- The finished cotton fabrics had good flame retardancy. 经整理后的棉织物阴燃性能良好。