- The experimental research on flame propagation velocity of dimethyl ether at atmospheric pressure is conducted using Bunsen flame method, and compared with the documentation data. 建立了二甲醚火焰传播速度测定系统,采用本生灯火焰法对常压下二甲醚的火焰传播速度进行试验研究,与文献数据进行了分析对比,认为试验结果正确合理。
- Turbulent flame propagation velocity 湍流燃烧速率
- This system was used to measure the flame propagation velocities along the tube, and furthermore to determine the DDT distance. 通过该系统测量爆震管中火焰传播速度的轴向分布,确定了爆燃到爆震的转捩距离。
- Effect of Catalytic Reforming Reaction on Laminar Flame Propagation Velocity 催化重整反应对层流火焰传播速度的影响
- Experimental Research on Flame Propagation Velocity of Dimethyl Ether 二甲醚火焰传播速度的试验研究
- flame propagation velocity 火焰传播速度
- Tests were carried out to study SHS.process and its thermit reaction characteristics,including the combustion equation and propagation velocity of flame front, and so on. 本文研究了在铝热剂反应中所发生的SHS过程及其燃烧特性,其中包括自加热燃烧方程和燃烧波传播速度等。
- Understands AIDS's propagation velocity through the game. 通过游戏了解艾滋病的传播速度。
- Based on mathematic and physical meanings of the curves, the first flame time of sustaining grain was deduced as zero time of rise stage for pressure-rise velocity and the end time of flame propagation as the limit time from rise to drop. 根据两条曲线的数学与物理意义推断主装药首次火焰时刻为升压速率上升阶段过零时刻,火焰传播结束时刻为升压速率由上升转下降的极值时刻;
- By the study of Flame Propagation Theory and Flame Stability Theory, backfire and yellow flame can be avoided by regulating the speed of flame propagation and exit velocity of mixture current at orifice. 通过对火焰传播理论和火焰稳定性理论的研究,综合调节火焰传播速度和火孔处混合气体的气流出口速度,不仅能保证煤制气燃烧时不回火而且燃烧完全,使黄火少甚至可以没有黄火。
- It can reflect the flame propagation speed and evaluate the explosion intension. 计算出的分形维数是衡量湍流火焰传播速度以及爆炸强度的有效参数。
- The propagation velocity of nonpolaritons is a monotonically increasing function of temperature. 非极化激元的传播速度是温度的单调增加函数。
- The propagation velocity of ultrasound in patient s shinbone can be achieved by figurin... 与定量超声波在正常胫骨中的传播速度相比较,可以为骨质疏松症提供便捷的诊断手段。
- The influence of water sprays on gas flame propagation is experimentally studied in the present paper. 本文利用自行设计的传播火焰喷雾抑制实验系统研究了水雾对甲烷火焰传播特性的影响。
- Secondly, the relation between longitudinal wave propagation velocity and resin-bonded stiffness of full length anchoring bolt is simulated. 然后模拟纵波在全长锚固锚杆内传播速度与树脂-围岩粘结刚度之间的关系;
- The propagation velocity of ultrasound in patient's shinbone can be achieved by figuring out the time span between emergent wave and echo wave. 根据相关公式,只需计算出超声波发射信号和回波信号的时间差,即可获得定量超声波在受试者胫骨的皮质骨中传播速度。
- On the basis of experiments, the influence of impressed electromagnetic field on flame propagation speed and overpressure in gas explosion was investigated. 在实验的基础上,研究了外加电磁场对瓦斯爆炸过程中火焰传播速度和超压的影响。
- Secondly,the relation between longitudinal wave propagation velocity and resin-bonded stiffness of full length anchoring bolt is simulated. 然后模拟纵波在全长锚固锚杆内传播速度与树脂-围岩粘结刚度之间的关系;
- Further analysis suggests that narrowed river channel increase flood current velocity and silted riverbed slows down tidal wave propagation velocity. 随着涌潮潮头的推进,大量水沙上溯,这对北支和南支上段的滩,漕变化和河口环境有着深刻的影响。
- The radio wave propagation velocity is slowed and the ray producing bend but to the asymmetry of the atmospheric medium, The refraction error is produced. 由于空中大气介质的不均匀性使得电波传播速度减慢射线产生弯曲,从而产生折射误差。