- This is a flagrant violation of human rights. 这是对人权的公然侵犯。
- The attack on civilians is a flagrant violation of the peace agreement. 袭击平民的举动公然违背了和平协定。
- She failed to appear for the rehearsal, in flagrant violation of her contract. 她没有参加排练,公然违反合同。
- The government is cracking down on elaborate and outlandish graves, a flagrant violation of these rules. 对于违规擅自加大的豪华墓地,政府将强制改正。
- The report calls Beijing's evictions a flagrant violation of people's right to adequate housing. 这个报告称北京强迫拆迁公然违犯民众拥有适当住房的权力。
- The congressman's use of campaign funds for his private business was a flagrant violation of the law. 形容词罪大恶极的,极为残暴的;明目张胆的;臭名远扬的,声名狼藉的
- Such flagrant violation of English law also transgressed Biblical law, but the Americans justified their disobedience by pointing to the inequities of the mercantile system. 如此恶名昭彰的违反英国法律的行为也触犯了圣经的律法,但美国人以贸易系统的不公平来为他们的抗命作辩护。
- Moreover, the Act would in any event have been in flagrant violation of rights of the inhabitants under the Covenant of the League of Nations, the Mandate Agreement, and Chapters IX and XI of the United Nations Charter. 此外,该法令从任何意义上讲都公然违反了国联的惯例、托管协定以及联合国宪章第9和第11条的规定。
- a flagrant violation of human rights. 公然违反人权。
- flagrant violation of human rights 对人权的公然践踏
- In this incident, the county flagrant violations of the legitimate rights and interests of individuals. 在这一事件中,该县公然侵犯个人的合法权益。
- Some people ignore the law violations, seize the management department in the management of weak links, flagrant violations carried out. 一些侵权行为人无视法律,抓住管理部门在管理中的薄弱环节,明目张胆地进行侵权行为。
- They could be made to accept the most flagrant violations of reality, because they never fully grasped the enormity of what was demanded of them, and were not sufficiently interested in public events to notice what was happening. 他们不惮于接受最公然有悖现实的说法,因为他们还没有懂得,塑造他们的计划何其险恶。 他们对公共的事情漠不关心,不留心到底发生了什么事。
- A flagrant case of contempt of court. 一个明目张胆的藐视法庭案。
- a crying shame; an egregious lie; flagrant violation of human rights; a glaring error; gross ineptitude; gross injustice; rank treachery. 奇耻大辱;臭名昭著的谎言;对人权的公然践踏;重大的错误;非常的不称职;极端的不公平;罪恶昭彰的背信弃义。
- flagrant violations of human rights 对人权的粗暴践踏.
- Bill was read out of the club for violation of club rules. 比尔因违反俱乐部的规章制度而被开除。
- He was fined200 dollars for violation of traffic regulation. 他因违反交通规则被罚款200美元。
- "Down with fascism" and "Socialism is in no way superior"--doesn't this flagrantly violate the Constitution? “打倒法西斯”,“社会主义没有优越性”,这不是公然违反宪法吗?
- The drunken driver was brought to the police station for violation of traffic regulations. 这个喝醉了的司机因违反交通规则而被带进了警察局。