- The ship carried the national flag of Greece. 那条船悬著希腊国旗。
- The gesture was equivalent to a flag of truce in civilized warfare. 这个手势相当于文明战争中的停战旗。
- A ship carrying the flag of an admiral; a flagship. 旗舰在舰上悬挂海军将官旗帜的舰只;旗舰
- flag of destress 遇难[求救]船旗; [喻]生活困难的标志
- Columbus planted the flag of Spain in the ground. 哥伦布把西班牙国旗插在地上。
- Regional flag of Hong Kong S.A.R. GB16689-1996香港特别行政区区旗
- Describe the National flag of New Zealand. 描述新西兰的国旗。
- It's the same colour as the flag of the U.S. 它与美国的国旗颜色是一样的。
- The ship was flying the flag of truce. 那船上挂出降旗。
- The flag of fairy is flying high. 精灵的旗帜,高高的飘扬
- The spaceman will put a flag of Chinaon the moon. 这个宇航员将要把一面中国国旗插在月球上。
- Each nation has a flag of its own. 每个国家都有自己的国旗。
- The while flag of surrender is an avowal of defeat. 公开宣称;坦白承认。
- Resets (clears) the undo flag of an edit control. 重新设置(清除)编辑控件的撤销标记。
- The flag of a nation,a state,or an army. 国旗、州旗或军旗。
- The flag of a nation, a state, or an army. 国旗、州旗或军旗。
- The white flag of surrender is an avowal of defeat. 投降的白旗表示公开宣称战败。
- A ship carrying the flag of an admiral;a flagship. 旗舰在舰上悬挂海军将官旗帜的舰只;旗舰
- Flag of the Imperial Japanese Army. 上图为日本军队的军旗。
- The overseas Americans are under the flag of the American government. 海外的美国人受美国政府的保护。