- The machine must break down at this busy hour. 正忙的时候,机器偏偏又坏了。
- A red flag slowly went up the pole. 一面红旗徐徐升起。
- There is a picture of the sickle on the flag. 旗帜上有镰刀的图案。
- The busy road outside the school is a menace. 学校外面那条车水马龙的大道是个危险之地。
- The flag is only raised when royalty are present. 只有在王室成员在场的时候才升起这面旗帜。
- The carpenter was busy sawing the logs into planks. 这位木匠正忙着把圆木锯成厚板。
- It's time to shake out the red flag. 是把这面红旗打开的时候了。
- That plant with purple flowers is flag. 那种开紫花的植物是菖蒲。
- The five-star red flag is fluttering in the wind. 五星红旗迎风飘扬。
- The workman is still busy concreting the road. 工人还在忙着用混凝土铺路。
- They ran up their national flag. 他们升起了国旗。
- He is busy sucking in with his immediate superior. 他忙着巴结自己的顶头上司。
- A small distinguishing flag displayed by a yacht. 燕尾旗船上做号旗或标志的小旗
- He was busy leveling the ground and laying turves. 他正忙于平整土地铺草皮。
- A white flag is used as a token of surrender. 白旗是用作投降的信号。
- The ocean lanes are always busy. 远洋航路总是很繁忙。
- They draped the coffin with the flag. 他们把旗帜覆盖在灵柩上。
- She tied on the flag and ran it up the mast. 她把旗子系上,顺杆升起。
- The girls are as busy with their work as bees. 这些女孩子就跟蜜蜂一样忙着工作。
- The daffodils were beginning to flag. 黄水仙花开始萎垂。