- Fizzy drinks improve people's memories? 碳酸饮料能改善人们的记忆力?
- My son likes junk food such as crisp, sweets and fizzy drinks. 我儿子喜欢吃炸土豆片、糖果和汽水一类只能填饱肚子的食品。
- Sucking on an ice cube can help, as can fizzy drinks. 谁为能在冰立方体,可以苏打饮料。
- My son likes junk food such as crips, sweets an fizzy drinks. 我儿子喜欢吃炸土豆片、糖果和汽水一类只能填饱肚子的食品。
- My son likes junk food such as crips,sweets an fizzy drinks. 我儿子喜欢吃炸土豆片、糖果和汽水一类只能填饱肚子的食品。
- They had potato chips, fizzy drinks and chocolate at the party. 他们为派对准备了薯片,汽水和巧克力。
- Inside is a fizzy drink that tastes very much like Coca-Cola. 里面装有充气饮料,味道很像可口可乐。
- Fizzy drinks, the scourge of healthy diet campaigners, can improve your memory, according to experts today. 英国专家日前表示,碳酸饮料虽然备受健康饮食提倡者指责,但其实它具有改善人们记忆力的功效。
- The market for juices is bigger than for fizzy drinks, and is enjoying more sparkling growth. 果汁饮料比碳酸饮料有着更广阔的市场,同时具有更快的市场增长力。
- Stalls selling ice cream and fizzy drinks made by soda fountains became know simply as soda fountains. 那些出售用汽水桶制出的冰激凌和汽水饮料的冷饮小卖部被人们简称为“汽水吧台”。
- Not coincidentally, Mexicans are among the biggest swiggers of fizzy drinks in the world. 墨西哥人是世界上饮用最多的泡沫饮料的人,这并非偶然。
- Most of these extra calories were contained in junk foods: fizzy drinks, crisps, biscuits, sweets, burgers and chicken nuggets. 这些额外的热量大多来自垃圾食品:碳酸饮料、薯片、饼干、糖果、汉堡和炸鸡块。
- Gavin Newsom, the mayor of San Francisco, recently proposed that retailers pay a fee for selling sugar-laden fizzy drinks. GavinNewsom,旧金山市市长,最近提议让销售高糖起泡饮料的零售商支付一笔费用。
- Its first objective was to improve the making and marketing of Coca-Cola, Sprite and Fanta, the fizzy drinks that account for about four-fifths of the firm's sales. 该宣言的首要目标是改善可口可乐、雪碧和芬达的生产和营销,这三种碳酸饮料占据公司大约4/5的销量。
- The decision was based on competition grounds, namely that Coke might abuse its dominant position in China's fizzy drinks industry by imposing bundled sales of juice drinks. 这项决定以反垄断为由,即可口可乐可能会通过搭售果汁饮料,滥用其在中国碳酸饮料行业的支配地位。
- The results supported Coke's belief that fizzy drinks continue to offer long-term growth potential in spite of the shift towards healthier non-carbonated beverages in many developed countries. 良好的业绩支持了可口可乐的预期,即:尽管很多发达国家都开始提倡更为健康的非碳酸饮料,但碳酸饮料依然具有长期增长潜力。
- Its strategy of rolling out its trademark fizzy drink round the world to slake the thirst of upwardly mobile consumers in emerging markets had run out of steam. 该公司在全球大力推广其标志性的碳酸饮料、以满足新兴市场日益增长的消费者需求的战略已失去动力。
- They are caused by eating too fast, eating something too hot or spicy, laughing, sobbing or coughing uncontrollably, alcohol, fizzy drinks and, rarely, by serious medical conditions. 它是因为吃的非常快、非常热、非常辛辣、大笑、悲泣、控制不住的咳嗽、喝乙醇、碳酸饮料和少见的危急医学情况下引起的。
- The game has taken root in so many places because it's so easy to prepare and play.People play with fizzy drink cans, or oranges, or socks rolled into a ball. 这项比赛已在这麽多地方生根,因为它是如此容易预备和比赛,民众可以碳酸汽泡饮料罐或柑橘,或短袜捲成一只球。
- Fizzy Drinks Don't Cause Cancers 气泡饮料无致癌性