- fiver basin hydrological model 流域水文模型
- river basin hydrological model 流域水文模型
- basin hydrological model 流域水文模型
- Based on the runoff-evaporation hydrological model the water consumption in large oases located along the Kashigar, Yerqiang, Aksu, Hetian and Kaidu-Kongque River in the Tarim Basin are analyzed. 摘要应用散耗性水文模型的模拟结果,对塔里木盆地的喀什噶尔河、叶尔羌河、阿克苏河、开都-孔雀河、和田河的大型绿洲的耗水进行了综合分析。
- The paper applies the dualistic distributed hydrological model (WEP-L model) to stu-dy the evolutionary laws of the Yellow River Basin s water resources under the impact of human activities. 应用分布式流域水文模型WEP-L模型初步分析了人类活动影响下的黄河水资源演化规律。
- XAJ basin hydrologic model 新安江流域水文模型
- The determination of flow direction in regulate grid DEM is a key problem in distributed hydrological model based DEM. 规则格网DEM的流向确定是分布式水文模型的一个关键问题。
- Based on the application of Snowmelt Type Xinanjiang model and SCS confluence model to each grid, a distributed hydrological model for the entire watershed established at last. 最后通过在每一栅格单元上采用融雪型新安江产流模型与SCS汇流模型,构建整个流域的分布式水文模型。
- A geography information system (GIS)/remote system (RS) distributed hydrological model is presented for water resources management of watershed. 面向流域水资源管理,提出了一个基于GIS/RS的流域分布式水文模型,模型主要包括单元水文模型与河网汇流模型两大部分。
- Hydrological model simulations are affected by parameters derived from DEMs with different resolutions, which describes the watershed features. 地形状况决定流域基本特征,因此在进行流域水文过程模拟时,DEM分辨率会影响流域特征参数的提取,进而影响模拟结果。
- With the increasing application of distributed hydrological model based on DEM the accuracy and resolution of DEMs is paid more attention. 随着分布式水文模型日趋广泛的应用,DEM的精度和其分辨率对水文模拟的影响已经引起人们的关注。
- TOPMODEL is a topography-based half-distributed hydrological model for watershed, for which the topographic index is the core of it. 摘要OPMODEL是以地形为基础的半分布式流域水文模型,地形指数为该模型最为核心的内容之一。
- The coupling of hydrological model and hydraulics model can simulate the generation and movement of the flood precisely. 摘要水文学模型与水力学模型耦合进行流域洪水模拟可以更加精细地反映流域洪水的产生和运动过程。
- Supported by RS and GIS. The method of distributed hydrological modeling based on raster Digital Elevation Models (DEM) was applied to generate basin network, to divide subwatershed and generate basin boundary automatically. 在遥感、GIS技术支持下 ,应用了基于栅格的数字高程模型 (DEM)的流域水文建模方法 ,进行了流域河网的自动生成 ,子流域的自动划分以及流域边界生成研究 ,根据流域地形特征将整个流域分割成多个子流域。
- In the paper,the radar rainfall data adjusted meanly in space by means of rain-gauge data were as the input of distributed hydrological model to simulate flood process. 本文针对长江三峡区间,利用雨量站点观测值来校准雷达测雨数据,并作为分布式水文模型的降雨输入,借助水文模拟结果综合评价雷达测雨数据的适用性。
- According to the application of distributed hydrology model, this paper has carried out a case study on the Yellow River Basin. 对黄河干流17个主要流量控制站进行了连续径流模拟。
- Study on Distributed Hydrological Model in Sangong River Basin 三工河流域分布式水文模型研究
- This paper examined a case study of hydrological model for identifying parameter uncertainty by using three sensitivity analysis methods: HSY algorithm, linear regressional method and coupling analysis method. 在对水文模型实例的参数不确定性分析基础上 ;分别采用传统灵敏度分析方法、HSY算法、线性回归等方法对模型参数特性进行了识别与比较研究 .
- The theories and methods of VIC land surface hydrological model were the key content in chapter 4, which introduced the development and mechanism of VIC land surface processes model which was based on the hydrological mechanism. 第四章是VIC陆面水文模型理论与方法,介绍了基于水文学机理的陆面过程模型VIC的发展与机理;
- The validity of drainage network and the rule of terrain characteristics from different grid size DEMs are researched, and the quantitative basis is provided for the confirmation of hydrological model parameters. 研究在不同网格DEM基础上生成的流水网的有效性及地形特征值的规律,为流域水文模型参数的确定,提供定量依据。