- There were five kinds of cheese on a wooden platter. 木制浅盘上放著五种乳酪。
- There is five kinds of cheese on a wooden platter. 木制浅盘上放著五种乳酪。
- There are five kinds of cheese on a wooden platter. 木制浅盘上放著五种乳酪。
- The current account includes five kinds of items. 经常项目包括五项内容。
- There were five kinds of cheese on a wooden platter . 铁饼是一个外包铁皮有硬木或金属的圆盘。
- five kinds of fluid 五液
- Studies on Salt Resistance of Five Kinds of Turf Grasses. 五种草坪草抗盐性研究。
- Our school has been empowered to be five kinds of training bases. 我们学校已被授权为五类培训基地。
- Each nucleosome contains both DNA and four of the five kinds of histones. 每一个核体不仅含有dna,而且含有五种组织蛋白中的四种。
- Dimethyl formyl amine is one kind of fluid which has no color but has fishy smell. 二甲基甲酰胺是有机溶剂,为无色、有鱼腥味的液体,主要用于工业生产。
- Could spacetime literally be a kind of fluid, like the ether of pre-Einsteinian physics? 时空,会不会和爱因斯坦物理诞生之前的乙太一样,根本就是一种流体呢?
- Although still controversial, many scientists now accept that some women can ejaculate some kind of fluid during sexual arousal or orgasm. 虽然存在争议,但很多科学家已经承认女性在性唤起和性高潮阶段是有可能喷射出某种液体的。
- There are five kinds of forth screen,back screen,side screen,stationary screen and moving screen. 掩护有五种,分别是前掩护、后掩护、侧掩护、定位掩护以及行进间掩护。
- This paper also introduces four kinds of water canal, and five kinds of cistern. 文中介绍了水渠和贮水池的几种绿化美化型式。
- These five kinds of thought-waves are: right knowledge, wrong knowledge, verbal delusion, sleep and memory. 这五种意识波动是:正知,谬误,分别知,睡眠和记忆。
- The composing a prescription according to five kinds of taste is the basic rule to treat function abnormality of Wuzang. 中药五味配五行而具有相应的五行功用,以药味配伍组成方剂,是治疗机体五脏功能失常的基本法则。
- The behaviour of Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC) was investigated into five kinds of material in NACE solution. 研究了五种材料在NACE溶液中的氢致开裂(HIC)行为。
- That kind of person is anything but a Marxist. 那种人根本不是马克思主义者。
- Five kinds of sulfa drugs residues in eel were determined rapidly by RP-HPLC method simultaneously. 采用反相高效液相色谱法(RP-HPLC),同时快速测定五种磺胺类药物残留。
- I wish you wouldn't look down on this kind of work. 我希望你不要看不起这种工作。