- eight thousand five hundred and six (=8506) 八千五百零六
- five thousand five hundred and six (=5506) 五千五百零六
- four thousand five hundred and six (=4506) 四千五百零六
- nine thousand five hundred and six (=9506) 九千五百零六
- one thousand five hundred and six (=1506) 一千五百零六
- seven thousand five hundred and six (=7506) 七千五百零六
- six thousand five hundred and six (=6506) 六千五百零六
- three thousand five hundred and six (=3506) 三千五百零六
- two thousand five hundred and six (=2506) 二千五百零六
- It costs only five hundred and fifty dollars. 只要五百五十美元。
- "Five hundred and eighty-four thousand francs!" murmured the aunt. “五十八万四千法郎!”吉诺曼姨妈低声说道。
- There are five hundreds and twelve English books altogether. 一共有五百一十二本英语书。
- Those that were numbered of them, even of the tribe of Reuben, were forty and six thousand and five hundred. 被数的男丁,共有四万六千五百名。
- five hundred and six (=506) 五百零六
- Five hundred rebels were captured and disarmed. 五百名造反者被俘获并缴了械。
- Even all they that were numbered were six hundred thousand and three thousand and five hundred and fifty. berjumlah enam ratus tiga ribu lima ratus lima puluh orang. 所有被数点的,共有六十万零三千五百五十名。
- And his host, and those that were numbered of them, were forty and five thousand and six hundred and fifty. 凡属流便营,按着军队被数的,共有十五万一千四百五十名,要作第二队往前行。
- They cost five hundred dollars, three hundred dollars and two hundred and fifty dollars per year respectively. 它们的保费分别是一年五百元、三百元和二百五十元。
- They cost five hundred dollars,three hundred dollars and two hundred and fifty dollars per year respectively. 它们的保费分别是一年五百元、三百元和二百五十元。
- The area is apporximately from three hundred and fifty square feet to five hundred square feet. 面积约由三百五十至五百平方英尺。