- five fouls by player 队员五次犯规
- It was a clear foul by Ford on the goalkeeper. 这明显是福特对守门员犯规。
- Player A was substituted by player B. 甲队员由乙队员递补。
- The ball never crossed the line, yet was called foul by the umpire. 球没过线,但是被裁判判为犯规。
- You can also foul by standing on the ball and impeding play. 站在球上或妨碍打球都被视作犯规。
- Trefoloni spots a foul by the Argentine and awards Lazio a free kick. 特拉弗洛尼判阿根廷人犯规,对方任意球。
- Bynum never got untracked, getting whistled for five fouls that limited him to 21 minutes, four points and eight rebounds. 拜纳姆从来没有被裁判这么“照顾”过,从来没有在21分钟之内被吹了5次的犯规,而仅仅只得到4分和8个篮板。
- Howard also had five fouls, but he managed to stay on the court for 31 minutes and totaled 18 points, 12 rebounds, three blocked shots and three steals. 霍华德同样也有五犯在身,但是他上场了31分钟,拿到了18分,12个篮板,还有3次的助攻和3次的抢断!
- A few elbows, body slams and hard fouls by the Lakers showed toughness all around. 肘击,暴扣,还有强硬的犯规全面地显示出湖人的力量。
- Implement aggro creatures at attack by player or pet creature from his family. Patch provided by darka. 实现了怪物或者宠物的主动攻击,当玩家攻击自己的族类。
- MODIFY UNIT HIT POINTS Set hit points for quantity units owned by player at location to percent%. 修改特定区域里一定数量的玩家控制单位的生命值。
- We thought John had a home run, but the ball went foul by inches. A miss is as good as a mile. 我们原以为约翰来了个本垒打,可是打偏了几英寸成了界外球。
- MODIFY UNIT RESOURCE AMOUNT Set resource amount for quantity resource sources owned by player at location to quantity. 修改特定区域里一定数量的玩家控制单位的能量。
- The first 32 minutes, after Godin field foul by the referee to show a yellow card. 第32分钟,戈丁后场犯规被主裁判出示黄牌警告。
- MODIFY UNIT SHIELD POINTS Set shield points for quantity units owned by player at location to percent%. 修改特定区域里一定数量的玩家控制单位的护盾。
- Player Lin) Flame Dragon (Knight) PLUS Hex hacking By Player Lin. Change character's battle ... 炎龙骑士团外传-修改-交换角色战斗图的展示效果。
- But despite loud, if largely baseless, cries of foul by some losers there is little likelihood the result will be nullified. 但是尽管一些输家大喊作弊??即便这些大都没有根据??选举结果被宣布无效的可能性还是微乎其微。
- After two minutes Seedorf scored, but his position was offside, and then Ambrosini claimed a penalty for a foul by Rivalta. 2分钟后,西多夫进球,但是被判为越位,随后安布罗西尼被里瓦塔铲到,他要求点球未果。
- The center was fouled by the opposing team whenever he had the ball. 这个中锋一拿到球,对方球员就会犯规。
- I HATE being scored on, even by players who some say are "un-guardable. 我讨厌被单吃,即使对手是那些“不可阻挡”的球员。