- The noise of music from my neighbour's party was fit to wake the dead. 我邻居聚会的音乐声太响了,几乎能把死人吵醒。
- The music at the disco was enough to wake the dead. 该夜总会的音乐响极了,能把死人也吵醒。
- It was loud enough to wake the dead. 这声音足可以把死人吵醒。
- They are making enough noise to wake the dead. 他们喧闹的声音让人心都烦!
- The thieves made enough noise to wake the dead. 窃贼弄出很大的响声。
- Turn that radio down; it's enough to wake the dead. 把收音机音量开轻些,那可真吵死人了。
- They were making enough noise to wake the dead. 他们喧闹的声音让人心烦。
- The noise coming from their house was enough to wake the dead. 他们房子里传出的声音太大,死人也会被吵醒。
- Mary and John were bellowing and shouting enough to wake the dead. 玛丽和约翰大声吼叫,足以把死者吵醒。
- fit to wake the dead 非常大的
- The noise of the people arguing was (loud) enough to wake the dead. 那些人的争吵声真是大极了。
- She tread lightly so as not to wake the baby. 她步子很轻,以免惊醒孩子。
- Exactly at that moment, the doorbell rang loudly enough to wake the dead. 就在这时,门铃响了,声音大得能把人吵死。
- We crept upstairs so as not to wake the baby. 为了不吵醒婴儿,我们蹑手蹑脚地上了楼梯。
- She trod lightly in order not to wake the family. 她脚步轻轻地走,以免惊醒家里的人们。
- They tiptoed upstairs so as not to wake the baby. 他们踮着脚上楼,生怕把孩子吵醒。
- She trod lightly so as not to wake the baby. 她步子很轻,以免惊醒孩子。
- I had no sooner got back to the kitchen than the door-bell rang loud enough to wake the dead. 我刚走回厨房,门铃又响了,响得足以把死人吵醒。
- I had no sooner got back to the kitchen than the doorbell rang loud enough to wake the dead. 我刚回到厨房,门铃又响了起来,响声足以把死人唤醒。
- I had no sooner got back to the kitchen than the door bell rang loud enough to wake the dead. 我刚走回厨房,门铃又响了,响得足以把死人吵醒。