- fish culture in salt water 咸养殖
- These fish have been soused in salt water for quite a few days. 这些鱼已在盐水里浸泡了好几天了。
- The swims in salt water must have healed it up . 在咸水里游泳定能使它痊愈。
- To immerse, preserve, or pickle in salt water. 用浓盐水处理(浸泡)在盐水里浸渍、保存或腌制
- Serious corrosion occurs in salt water. 在盐水中会发生严重的腐蚀现象。
- Rutabagas can be soused, almost all kinds of vegetables have been soused in salt water at my home this year. 芥菜疙瘩可放入盐水中腌。今年在我家里所有的蔬菜都已经在盐水中腌。
- Deseed bitter melon and section. Soak in salt water for 15 minutes. 将苦瓜去籽,切件;然后以盐水浸约15分钟。
- Fish culture in China has the advantage of long coasting, large number of inland lakes, plenty of low-cost labor source, multiple aquiculture water area, and extensity of sale market. 我国渔业行业具有区位相对比较优势,海岸线长,内陆湖泊多,拥有充足而廉价的劳动力、多种类型的养殖水域,以及广阔的销售市场;
- Peel and slice bananas, immerse in salt water, remove and dry. 香蕉去皮切片,泡于盐水中捞起沥干备用。
- After having walked 5 hours, all I need is to bathe my feet in salt water. 走了5个小时的路,我所需要的就是用盐水洗洗脚。
- My hair kinked up in the salt water. 我的头发在盐水中缠在一起了。
- The reason for this is that in salt water, the grid work plumps as it spins. 这一原因是,在盐水中,晶格层当旋转时会膨胀起来。
- Fish Culture in a Big Net Cage with Resistant to Wind in Deep Water 浅议深水抗风浪大网箱的养鱼效果
- Amelioration of Water Quality to Fish Culture in Saline-Alkali Land 盐碱地养鱼的水质改良
- I had no more bother with the rash. The swims in salt water must have healed it over. 我不再受皮疹之苦了。一定是在咸水里游泳使它痊愈的。
- fish culture in lake and reservoir 湖泊水库养鱼
- Rutabagas can be soused,almost all kinds of vegetables have been soused in salt water at my home this year. 芥菜疙瘩可放入盐水中腌。今年在我家里所有的蔬菜都已经在盐水中腌。
- New technique on puffer fish culture in cage 网箱养殖河鲀新技术
- I had no more bother with the rash; the swims in salt water must have healed it up. 我不再受皮疹之苦了。在咸水里游泳定能使它痊愈。
- Technique of fish culture in paddy field 稻田养殖实用技术