- fish culture in fresh water 淡水养殖
- This kind of fish lives in fresh water. 这种鱼生活在淡水中。
- Trial of Turbot culture in fresh water added with sea water 淡水兑海水养殖大菱鲆试验
- Gazetteer Circumpolar in fresh water. 在淡水中的极地附近。
- Living in fresh water but migrating to marine waters to breed. Used of fish. 因产卵顺流入海的在淡水中生活但移到海水中产卵繁殖的。用于鱼类
- Pearl Culture in Fresh Water 河蚌的人工育珠及管理
- In fresh waters, few or no stocks remain unexploited. 在淡水中,未开发利用的种类很少或已没有。
- The level of PCDD/Fs in fresh water fish was higher than that of marian fish with one fold. 该水域中的鱼已受到了一定程度的PCDDFs污染,淡水养殖鱼高于海水养殖鱼(约为1倍)。
- Fish culture in China has the advantage of long coasting, large number of inland lakes, plenty of low-cost labor source, multiple aquiculture water area, and extensity of sale market. 我国渔业行业具有区位相对比较优势,海岸线长,内陆湖泊多,拥有充足而廉价的劳动力、多种类型的养殖水域,以及广阔的销售市场;
- Do you know why it is seldom to use in fresh water tank? 砂樽过滤都是滤水一种;多用于海水缸草缸极少人用.
- Fish especially rich in thiaminase are herring, capelin, suckers, smelts and various carp species, a total of some 50 species, most of which live in fresh water. 鱼类中,最富含硫胺酶的是青鱼,各种鲤鱼等总共有50种,他们大部分都是生活在优质的水域。
- A young salmon during its first two years of life,when it lives in fresh water. 幼鲑处于前两岁阶段,尚生活在淡水中的幼年鲑
- Hydrosere Any plant community in a succession that starts in fresh water. 水生演替系列:是起始于淡水中的植物群落演变更替。
- Fish Culture in a Big Net Cage with Resistant to Wind in Deep Water 浅议深水抗风浪大网箱的养鱼效果
- Amelioration of Water Quality to Fish Culture in Saline-Alkali Land 盐碱地养鱼的水质改良
- During the whole trip, we also schedule short visit in fresh water pearl store for shopping program. 安排行程中安排参观淡水珍珠商场等;
- fish culture in lake and reservoir 湖泊水库养鱼
- Compare the resistance of soil saturated in fresh water with that of soil saturated in salt water. 比较浸透淡水与浸透盐水的土壤的电阻。
- New technique on puffer fish culture in cage 网箱养殖河鲀新技术
- A young salmon during its first two years of life, when it lives in fresh water. 幼鲑处于前两岁阶段,尚生活在淡水中的幼年鲑