- To fish by trailing a line,as from a moving boat. 拖钓曳绳钓鱼,如从移动的船上。
- The marketing myopia is caused by product concepts. 摘要营销近视症是产品观念所导致的。
- The writer often saw an old man fish by the lake. 作者经常看见一位老者在湖边钓鱼。
- To fish by trailing a line, as from a moving boat. 拖钓曳绳钓鱼,如从移动的船上
- To deplete(a lake, for example) of fish by fishing. 捕尽用捕或钓的方式把(如湖)鱼捕尽
- To deplete(a lake,for example) of fish by fishing. 捕尽用捕或钓的方式把(如湖)鱼捕尽
- You can recognize the fish by the shape of their fins. 你可以根据鳍的形状来辨认这种鱼。
- So I had to try to catch fish by hand in the nearby sea area. 所以只能在附近抓鱼。
- If any question by product,Please keep the product shape,Then contact slaes. 不接受用过之货物退回;如有问题请保持原状;三天前提出问题.
- To fish by letting a baited hook fall gently onto the water. 垂钓将鱼饵轻轻点水面上钓鱼
- You may not catch a fish by any body part except the mouth. 捕鱼时只可抓著鱼的嘴巴不可抓著鱼的其他任何身体部位。
- Supply is conditioned by production. 供应受生产制约。
- fish by product 鱼业副产品
- We enjoyed a day's fishing by the river. 我们在河边享受了一天垂钓之乐。
- Father used to go fishing by the lake. 爸爸过去常在那个湖边钓鱼。
- I'd like to go fishing by the lake. 我想到湖边钓鱼。
- The compensation by product counter-purchase will be made by other product,which is actually a form of barter trade. 用“产品反购”得到的补偿将以购买其他产品来体现,这实际上是一种易货贸易。
- The research results are verified by production practice. 研究结果得到生产实践的证明。
- The compensation by product counter- purchase will be made by other product, which is actually a form of barter trade. 用“产品反购”得到的补偿将以购买其他产品来体现,这实际上是一种易货贸易。
- Better return home and make a net than long for fish by the waterside. 临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网。