- The ship went under (ie sank) on its first voyage. 那条船在首次航行时就沉没了。
- In fact the first voyage went without a hitch. 事实上,第一次航行十分顺利。
- The submarine sank two vessels on her first voyage. 这艘潜艇第一次出航就击沉了两艘舰艇。
- The grand ship Titanic went down at her first voyage. 巨轮泰坦尼克在第一次航行中沉没。
- The ship, which is made in China, will make her first voyage soon. 中国造的这只船不久将作处女航。
- For she went down on her first voyage with heavy loss of life. 然而,这艘巨轮首航就下沉,造成大批人员死亡。
- I was very happy to be back in Baghdad at the end of my first voyage. 我很高兴在我首航结束时回到巴格达。
- No 184 Voyage of International Ocean Drilling Project (ODP) is the first voyage in South China Sea. 国际大洋钻探(ODP)第184航次是首次在南中国海实现的大洋钻探。
- But on the evening of April 14.1912.during Titanic's first voyage, its design proved unworthy. 但在1912年4月14日,在泰克尼克号第一次航海,它的设计表现得不错。
- The tragic sinking of this great liner will always be remembered,for she went down on her first voyage with heavy loss of life. 人们将永远记得这艘巨型客轮的悲惨沉没,因为它竟首航沉没并造成惨重死亡。
- The tragic sinking of this great liner will always be remembered, for she went down on her first voyage with heavy loss of life. 人们将永远记得这艘巨型客轮的悲惨沉没,因为它竟首航沉没并造成惨重死亡。
- The notion that the earth is round has been widely accepted since Magellan accomplished the first voyage around the world. 关于地球是圆的概念已广泛为人们所接受自从麦哲伦首次完成环球旅行以来.
- The tragical sinking of this great liner will always be remembered, for she went down on her first voyage with heavy loss of life. 然而,这艘巨轮首航就下沉,造成大批人员死亡。人们将永远记着这艘巨轮的沉没惨剧。
- Visited by Vasco da Gama on his first voyage to India(1498), the island-city was ruled successively by Portugal, Oman, Zanzibar, and Great Britain until the early20th century. 1498年达伽马在其第一次航行印度时到过此地。
- This is my first voyage at sea. 这是我第一次出海航行。
- Is this your first voyage? 这是你第一次海上旅行吗?
- Captain Cook begins his first voyage 库克船长开始航海
- the historic first voyage to outer space. 具有历史意义的首次太空旅行。
- an inexperienced sailor; a sailor on the first voyage 没有航海经验的水手;第一次航海的水手
- The first private deluxe yacht of Yantai take its first voyage 烟台第一艘私家豪华游艇下水