- firm value growth rate 价值增长率的确定
- accumulative net value growth rate 累计净值增长率
- Yet only discernible variation is in growth rate. 但仅在生长速度上能分辨的差异。
- A growth rate of 4% is projected for next year. 预计明年的增长率为 4%25。
- Enjoy the same high economic growth rate. 很多农村不能。
- Their growth rate is quite slow, but continuous. 其增长速度是相当缓慢,但持续。
- That growth rate cannot be considered low. 百分之七的速度并不低。
- In the field of high level of innovation, the firm value occupies the most of industry value. 而在市场容量大的产业领域,顾客价值占据了产业活动的主要部分。
- The natural growth rate of population is revving up in rural areas. 在农村中人口自然增长率正不断上升。
- So, in western acad emia it brought about a heated debate on the relationship between firm value and firm diversification. 由此,引发了西方理论界对多样化经营同企业价值间关系的大讨论。
- The growth rate of consumption demand has picked up. 消费需求增幅回升。
- Lins, Karl V., (2003)"Equity Ownership and Firm Value in Emerging Markets,"Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 38. 于华、冯娟;(1999)"高级管理人员薪酬结构中的股票期权;"深交所综合研究所研究报告.
- The natural growth rate of population continued to decline. 人口自然增长率继续下降。
- Gordon Elizabeth A,Elaine Henry,Darius Palia.Related party transactions:Associations with corporate governance and firm value[EB/OL]. 这类公司日常购销活动比较频繁;较容易观察购销类关联交易在降低交易成本方面的作用.
- It is safe to assume that growth rate is under genetic control. 这就可以大胆假设这一生长速度是在遗传控制下产生的。
- The negative relationship between diversification and firm performance (firm value) measured by Tobin’s q is referred as to diversification discount. 企业多元化与以托宾q度量的企业绩效(企业价值)之间的负向关系被称为多元化折价。
- The paper investigates 763 public corporates listing in SHSE, checks the empirical relationships between firm value and the second largest shareholding. 摘要本文以763家上市公司2003年的横截面数据为样本,通过考察公司绩效与第二大股东持股之间的经验关系,考察了第二大股东持股的治理功能。
- The overall growth rate of demand world-wide exceeds 10% annually. 全球需求的总体年增长率超过10%25。
- Lower temperatures are associated with lower growth rate. 温度一降低,生长速度就会慢下来。
- The largest shareholder expropriates outsider investors through earnings management, and firm value, reputation and capability of refinancing are heavily damaged. 上市公司的盈余管理误导了投资者的决策行为,造成了公司价值、声誉和后续融资能力的下降。