- The fireworks banged impressively. 烟火响声震天。
- Two of the fireworks in the box were duds. 盒子里的烟火有两个是坏的。
- The boys were letting off fireworks. 男孩子在放烟火。
- The firework exploded with a loud bang. 烟火砰的一声爆开了。
- An electrically produced graph or tracing. 电示图以电制作的图表或映描图
- I had goose bumps when we watched the fireworks. 我们看烟火的时候,我起鸡皮疙瘩。
- The boys were itching to let off their fireworks. 男孩子们急著想放烟火。
- The fireworks on July 4th dazzled us. 七月四日独立纪念日放的烟火使我们赞叹不已。
- Are you happy fireworks are puffing all around? 四周都在放烟火你开心吗?
- The graph shows a bulge in the price of meat. 图表显示肉类价格上涨。
- We went to a firework display yesterday. 我们昨天去看放烟火。
- The firework exploded in a shower of sparks. 烟火炸开放出一阵火花。
- The firework exploded in his hand. 那个爆竹在他手里响了。
- A line representing data on a graph. 曲线在图表上代表数据的一条线
- fireworks graph 烟花图
- The graph flattens out gradually after a steep fall. 图表上的曲线突降之後逐渐趋於平稳。
- The climax of the celebration was a firework display. 庆祝会的高潮是燃放烟火。
- Just you watch the fireworks when your father catches those boys! 等你父亲抓住那几个男孩子的时候,你就能看到他的火气有多大了。
- The last item on the program was a grand display of fireworks. 最後一项节目是大型烟火表演。
- The display of fireworks on New Year's Eve was a fine spectacle. 除夕燃放的烟火真是美妙的奇观。