- Influence of the Quality of Dilatant layer of Dilatant Fire Retardant Coatings on Fire Retardant Performance 膨胀型防火涂料膨胀发泡层质量对涂料防火性能的影响
- Quality of Charring Layer of Dilatant Fire Retardant Coatings and Factors Influencing Fire Retardant Performance 膨胀型防火涂料炭化层的质量及其防火性能的影响因素
- Applied voltage can compensate the temperature effect on the retard performance. 温度对延迟器的影响可通过电压的变化得到补偿。
- fire retardant performance 阻燃性能
- The powder has high purity and application in the CIIR rubber the fire retard... 结果表明:此方案可行,纯度较好,应用在氯化丁基橡胶中的阻燃性有一定的提高。
- The results show that after surface treatment the CG - ATH has a good dispersion in PA66 and the limited oxygen index of the PA66 fire retarded with the treated CG - ATH is improved from 25% to 29%. 结果表明,改性后的CG-ATH在树脂中分散性好,在尼龙66中添加表面改性的CG-ATH,其氧指数从25%25提高到29%25。
- This product can also be used to improve the performance of fire retardant additives such as phosphates, halogens, and nitrogen compounds. 这一产品也可以用来提高防火添加剂的性能,如磷酸盐、卤元素和氮化物。
- Fireproof wall paper, in PVC plastic in join fire retardant. 耐火墙纸,在PVC塑料中加入阻燃剂。
- The dispersion of filler and fire retardant agent is the important factor for the performance of ultrathin intumescent fire retardant coating. 填料和防火助剂在涂料中的分散状况是影响超薄膨胀型防火涂料性能的重要因素。
- Film former is the key component in intumescent fire retardant coatings, which influences the intumescent performance of coatings. 摘要成膜物对膨胀型防火涂料的性能有较大影响,有时对于涂料体系膨胀与否起决定性作用。
- The influence of pH value of dilatant fire retardant coatings for steel structure on its fireproofing performance is studied by using a micro electric furnance. 通过微型电炉实验,研究了膨胀型钢结构防火涂料的酸碱性对其防火隔热性能的影响。
- When the charging of LL fire retardant is 15% , the fire proofing coatings shows good fire proofing performance, as well as excellent chemical and physical properties. 提出LL阻燃剂的加量在15%25时,防火涂料既有很好的防火性能,又有优良的理化性能。
- A research about the dispersing, physical and flame retardant performance of Mg(OH)2+Al(OH)3+PP under the impact of vibration field is present. 摘要研究了振动诱导作用下无机阻燃剂(氢氧化镁+氢氧化铝)在聚丙烯(pp)中的分散性能,以及由此引起的制品力学性能和阻燃性能的变化。
- The Oxgen index of the fire retarding back-coating latex exceed not over 70. 其阻燃背衬胶乳氧指数可达70以上。
- In the artical, fire retarding methods for plastics are simply introduced. 本文简要介绍了塑料的阻燃方法。
- Flame retarding performance and mechanism of polymer/layer silicate nanocomposites and the way of modifying montmorillonite were introduced. 摘要综述了国内外近年来对蒙脱土的有机改性、聚合物/层状硅酸盐纳米复合材料的阻燃性能及其机理研究动向。
- study of fire retarded materials 阻燃材料研究
- A fire was burning in the grate. 火在壁炉中燃烧着。
- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他为自己的房子办理了一份火险保险单。
- FH composite fire retardant for PP tufting carpet using in back-coating latex have been presented. 研究开发了FH复合阻燃剂,用于背衬胶乳阻燃法阻燃丙纶簇绒地毯。