- Sometimes Scorpio as a sign wants things to be black or white when the universe would prefer something entirely different like fire engine red or tartan plaid. 相对于这世界宁愿象消防车红或者格子花那样五花八门来说,天蝎座是个非黑即白的星座。
- Otherwise you would have a tough time knowing what bystanders were uttering from the street corners as we passed in a fire engine red and carbon fiber-striped Audi R8. 否则你将很难知道什么路人说出从街角,因为我们通过在消防车红色和碳纤维条纹奥迪R8。
- The fire engine played on the flames. 救火车的水柱喷射在火焰上。
- Zoom! A red fire engine passes by us on its way to a fire. 咻!一辆红色的消防车经过我们要往火灾的途中.
- Scarlet, crimson, vermillion, carmine, maroon, burgundy, ruby, rose, madder, rouge, brick, blood red, blush, fire engine red, cinnabar, russet, rust, Venetian red, flame, Indian red, tomato.; 猩红、深红、朱红、洋红、栗色、葡萄酒红、宝石红、玫瑰红、茜红色、胭脂红、砖红、血红、晕红、消防车红、朱砂红、赤褐色、铁锈色、威尼斯红(褐红或茶红)、火红、印度红、番茄红。
- When the fire engine arrived,the fire was blazing. 消防车到时,火正在炽烈燃烧着。
- All traffic has to make way for a fire engine. 所有的车辆必须给救火车让路。
- The cars all stopped to let the fire engine by. 汽车都停下来让消防车通过。
- There is an emergency. Please send a fire engine. 这有火灾,请尽快派消防车来。
- Fire engines came on the double when the house was on fire. 房子着火后,救火车很快就来了。
- The fire engine throws a long stream of water. (这辆)消防车喷出长长的水柱。
- The fire station bought a fire engine. 消防站购买了一台消防车
- Automobiles must make way for a fire engine. 任何车辆都必须为消防车让路。
- When the fire engine arrived, the fire was blazing. 消防车到时,火正在炽烈燃烧着。
- The fire engine came with its siren screaming. 救火车号叫着开来了。
- A fire engine is rehearsing now. 那儿有辆救火车正在进行救火演习。
- Five fire engines brought the blaze under control in just over an hour. 5辆救火车仅过1小时就把火势控制住了。
- Fire engines and ambulances have priority over other traffic. 消防车和救护车比其他车辆有优先通行权。
- The cars moved to the curb so that the fire engine could get by. 汽车都开到人行道上使消防车能够开过去。