- We comply with all fire safety rules. 我们遵守有关消防安全的全部条例。
- fire safety countermeasures 防火安全体系
- We complywith all fire safety rules. 我们遵守有关消防安全的全部条例。
- Based on the supervision on the daily fire safety about the site and analysis upon the reason,it talks about strengthening the fire control and prevention countermeasures. 通过对建筑工地日常消防监督检查及原因分析,论述了加强建筑施工现场消防安全管理和火灾预防的对策等问题。
- Get more fire safety information from the below link. 想获取有关防火安全的资料,请按以下连结。
- The report found 75 per cent of complexes had poor fire safety. 该报告发现,75%25建筑群的消防安全措施做得很差。
- Sylvia: So what exactly did your teacher say about fire safety? 思薇亚:所以你的老师到底是怎么说防火安全的?
- Analysis on hazards and harmfulness in electric power distribution is conducted and the related safety countermeasures are put forward. 对变配电作业过程中的危险、有害因素进行了分析,并提出了相关的安全对策措施。
- E.G. Butcher and A.C. Parnell “Designing for Fire Safety ”,British,1983. 周智中,”耐火材料之研发与利用”,工业材料第98期,1995年。
- This article tries to put forward some safety countermeasures from the aspects of Linux system itself and the safety operation of Web against the safety threats in using Apache as Web service. 本文主要针对在Linux下使用Apache作为Web服务所面临的一些安全威胁,从Linux系统本身和Web安全运行方面提出一些安全对策。
- We will prosecute owners who do not comply with the statutory fire safety requirements. 如发现业主未有按照法例规定采取消防安全措施,便会加以检控。
- Contractor shall transact safety production insurance and third party liability insurance and offer safety production training on employees and take all necessary safety countermeasures. 承包人应办理安全生产保险,以及第三者责任险,对员工进行安全生产教育并采取一切必要的安全防范措施。
- According to the characters of seismic prospecting,the safety countermeasures are put forward from the choice of blasting materials,the prevention of working danger and the control of blasting harm. 根据地震勘探爆破作业的特点,从爆破器材选择、作业过程中危险预防、爆破危害效应控制等方面提出了地震勘探爆破作业的安全对策。
- The fare beater on the subway presents less threat to life than the landlord who ignores fire safety statutes. 乘地下火车不买车票的人,当然不象房东老板无视防火安全条文那样会危及人的生命安全。
- The department formulates and enforces fire safety policies and regulations. It also assists and advises the public on fire protection measures and the abatement of fire hazards. 消防处除制定并执行与消防安全有关的政策及规例外,也协助和劝导市民采取防火措施,以及消除火警危险。
- These helped to ensure that fire prevention measures met the required standards and to enhance public awareness of fire safety. 这些措施有助确保防火措施符合指定的标准,以及提高市民的消防安全意识。
- To kickoff the scheme, boy scouts, girl guides and members of the department's Public Liaison Group were trained as Fire Safety Ambassadors. 计划的第一步,是将男、女童军和消防处的公众联络小组成员训练成为消防安全大使。
- At the end of 1997,534 persons had been trained as Fire Safety Ambassadors and trainers. 截至一九九七年底为止,已有534人接受该处训练,成为消防安全大使及训练员。
- Our rooms are clean and tidy and comply with building and fire safety requirements. 我们这里有整洁生的住宿环境,安全的楼宇设施,还有完善的消防设备。
- compensation of safety countermeasures 安全措施补偿