- fire protection legislation 消防法
- Subjects such as fire protection,legislation,physics and the science of combustion are also included. 其他科目如防火、法例、物理及燃烧科学也包括在课程内。
- Does the work of UNCITRAL affect consumer protection legislation? 贸易法委员会的工作是否影响保护消费者的法规?
- Design Standard for Fire Protection of P. 邮电建筑防火设计标准。
- Jia'an Fire Protection Technology Co., Ltd. 加安消防技术有限公司。
- LAD Fire Protection Security Engineering Co., Ltd. 力安达消防安全工程有限公司。
- The Bundesrat upper house asked for existing animal protection legislation to be fleshed out to include the ostrich. 德国联邦上院要求扩充现有的动物保护立法,将鸵鸟纳入保护范围。
- A Talk on the Desing of Fire Protection System by Water Spraying. 谈水喷雾灭火系统的设计。
- Enhance the fire protection consciousness of each citizen. 加强全民消防意识。
- BFPSA; British Fire Protection Systems Association Ltd. 英国防火系统协会。
- National Fire Protection Association. Quincy, Massachusetts. 全国防火协会。昆西,麻萨诸塞州。
- All jurisdictions with personal data protection legislation provide Canadians with a general right to access and correct their personal information. 所有对个人数据保护立法有审判权的部门均为公民提供一种获得和更正他们个人信息的一般性权利。
- Experience with Fire Protection systems and regulations. 了解消防控制系统及相关制度。
- It is interesting that daffodils caused the first wildlife protection legislation. 有趣的是水仙花导致了首次野生动物保护立法。
- NFPA 750,Standard on Water mist Fire Protection Systems.1996. 细水雾灭火系统设计、施工及验收规范.
- It has reference value to design of tunnel fire protection. 对隧道防火灾设计有一定的参考价值。
- Spurred on by its reform and opening up,China has carried on its intellectual property protection legislation at a speed never before known. 在改革开放的推动下,中国知识产权立法速度之快,也是史无前例的。
- The passage of consumer protection legislation also seems to have been related to swings in public opinion between liberal and conservative views. 消费者权益保护法的通过似乎也与公众舆论在自由主义与保守主义观点之间摇摆不定有关。
- Some kind of consumer protection legislation seems likely to pass, which may wreak havoc on bank earnings, at least in the short term. 某种旨在保护消费者的立法看来可能会通过,从而有可能让银行的利润至少在短期内大幅回落。
- How Underground Railway of London develops it's fire protection work? 伦敦地铁是怎样开展防火工作的?