- fire proof machine 防爆式电机
- Confine fire spark range with fire proof sheet. 用防火材料制成防火屏防止火花喷射。
- At last fire proof of composite slab has been analyzed in this paper. 最后本文对组合板的防火设计进行了研究,并对防火保护层厚度进行了计算。
- The finish material are no distortion, no bending,water proof,fire proof and anti corrode from acid and alkaline. 复合成型后的材料不仅具有不变形、抗弯曲强度大,防水、防火及耐酸碱的特性。
- Fire proofed nitrile rubber boor. 鞋面采用防火丁腈橡胶。
- The fire proof performance of constructional elements and construction materials must conform to the state standards or industrial standards. 建筑构件和建筑材料的防火性能必须符合国家标准或者行业标准。
- Foam glass has many fine properties as follows:fire proof,water proof,heat keeping and insulation,sound absorption and so on. 泡沫玻璃具有防火、防水、保温隔热、吸声等良好性能。
- The steel cylindrical casings using fire proof material,also heat insulating material interiorly, which forms fire-proof structure. 钢板制成的圆筒外壳中使用了耐火材料,内部也贴有绝热材料,形成耐火结构。
- Indeed, they then took all these digital pictures and video clips and backed them up on a peripheral hard drive which is now kept in a fire proof safe? 事实上,他们随即接手所有这些数字照片和视频剪辑和后盾,他们对周边硬盘驱动器,是现在保存在一个防火安全?
- Remarks: Imported fine wood, cushions with fire proof veneer, with“ | ”shapefine carbonsteel cushion, standard accessory. 说明:进口优质木材,小帮贴高档防火板饰面,带“|”型碳素结构钢库逊,标准配置
- Article 11 The fire proof performance of constructional elements and construction materials must conform to the state standards or industrial standards. 第十一条 建筑构件和建筑材料的防火性能必须符合国家标准或者行业标准。
- Yantai Jinrun Ocean Ferry Fire Proofing Project Co., Ltd. 烟台金润海上消防工程有限公司。
- Dry powder insulation mortar produced by vitrify micro beads material, have excellent insulation and fire proof heat resistant properties, never crack whith high strength. 玻化微珠材料生产的干粉保温砂浆。具有优良的保温隔热性能和防火耐热抗老化性能,不空鼓开裂。
- When you make the proofs for 4 color books, do you use only Epson printer ?Do you have any other proofing machine using real printing ink and paper ? 当你为 4本彩色书作证明的时候,你使用唯一的爱普生打印机吗 ?你任何其他的证明已经以机器制造使用真正的印刷墨水而且用纸糊吗 ?
- But Mom and Daughter can reassure him now, that there is no danger.These new curtains are fire proof because they are impregnated with Sodium Metatungstate. 但母亲和女儿能够说服他,这种窗帘布是防火的,因为经过了偏钨酸钠浸泡。
- The pater introduces the compound recipe, technology and product performance of mold made from fluid silicone rubber for split door for fire proof technology.The product has the approval of consumer. 介绍液体硅橡胶用作防火工艺夹板门模具的胶料配方、工艺和产品性能,该产品获得用户认可。
- A fire was burning in the grate. 火在壁炉中燃烧着。
- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他为自己的房子办理了一份火险保险单。
- The fire proofing efficiency is closely correlated with the wind speed in the aweather area of the firebreak tree belt. 摘要防火林带的防火性能与阻风性能密切相关。
- Fire Proofing Blanket are made of fiberglass fabric. They can quickly smother flames to minimize bu... 发布者:金丽所在地:浙江宁波市行业:安全、防护职位:外销员工作年限:应届毕业生