- fire insurance tariff ratio 火灾保险协定率
- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他为自己的房子办理了一份火险保险单。
- He can claim against the fire insurance. 根据火灾保险合同,他能有权要求一笔钱。
- fire insurance tariff rate 火灾保险协定率
- Fire insurance policies can be valued or unvalued. 火险保险单分为已估价的和未估价的。
- We have purchased fire insurance for our business. 我们已经为自己的公司买了火险。
- Tokyo Marine And Fire Insurance Company Ltd. 东京海上火灾保险公司。
- HOA covers water, trash and fire insurance. 管理费包括水,垃圾和火灾保险。
- Having refused to take out fire insurance, the manager of the company quailed before the thought of ruin through fire. 拒绝领取火灾保险单后,一想到火灾的毁灭性破坏,公司经理就感到恐惧。
- Fire insurance contracts often contain an average clause. 火险合同经常包含一个平均条款。
- National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, Pa. 及其附属公司列星顿保险公司。
- Fire insurance covers property damage caused by fire. 火灾保险的范围包括大火所造成的财产损失。
- All staff all should be vigilant the fire insurance. 12所有的工作人员都应警惕火险。
- HOA covers fire insurance, trash, exterior maintenance. 社区协会包括火灾保险,垃圾,外部维修。
- She will be able to claim the cost against the house fire insurance. 根据房屋火灾保险合同,她将有权要求赔偿损失。
- Fire insurance is one of the most common types of insurance contract. 火灾保险是一种最普通的保险合同。
- Having refused to take out fire insurance,the manager of the company quailed before the thought of ruin through fire. 拒绝领取火灾保险单后,一想到火灾的毁灭性破坏,公司经理就感到恐惧。
- Fire insurance provides protection against financial losses from fire and is intended to indemnify a property owner,and a property owner needs to pay premium to insurance company. 通过购买火灾保险,业主将火灾损失的一部分或全部转移到保险公司,但业主需每年向保险公司交纳一定数额的保险费。
- Fire Insurance to be covered through our Insurance Agent and the relative policy will be submitted to your Bank soonest possible. 火险由下列保险代理人负责代为投保,相关保单将会尽快提交贵行。
- I hereby authorize Sun Hung Kai Properties Insurance Ltd. to charge my credit card account below for the above Fire Insurance annual premium payment. 本人授权新鸿基地产保险有限公司从本人下述之信用咭账户支取火险全年保费。