a fire-resistant door that can be closed to stop the spread of a fire
fire door的用法和样例:
用作名词 (n.)
What a fire-door does is delay the spread of a fire long enough for people to get out. 防火门的功能是拖延火势的蔓延以赢得足够的时间让人们逃脱。
LianDa is a Company specializing in tubular motors for shutters, awnings,garage doors,fire shutters,blinds and screens userd in home and buildings. 联大是一家专业生产管状电机的制造企业,其产品广泛用于家用或商用的卷帘门,遮阳蓬,车库门,防火门,百叶窗和投影幕等设施。