- Finney's Bricks Help stop a wildfire in its tracks. 帮助停止野火在其轨道上的蔓延。
- Finney ;illustrated by Richard Salvucci. 作者声明: written by Charles G.
- Finney, with drawings by Boris Artzybasheff. 作者声明: by Charles G.
- Pyloroplasty as an added procedure is necessary for Nissen fundoplication in DGE rats. 胃排空延迟大鼠Nissen手术时加作幽门成形术是必要的。
- Mark Finney is a research forester at the Fire Sciences Laboratory in Missoula, Mont. 芬尼是蒙大拿州密苏拉火灾科学实验室的研究森林学家。
- Steve: Holly, this is Bryan Finney, our manager. Nothing gets done that he doesn't know about. 史帝夫:荷莉,这位是布莱恩.芬尼,我们的经理。所有的事都在他的掌握中。
- Employment consultant Martha Finney doesn't pull any punches when she talks about layoffs. 当谈到失业时,招募顾问玛莎.;芬尼对此没有任何抨击。
- A gentleman on the pitch as well as off it, Finney was never booked or sent off. 无论球场内外,芬尼都是一位绅士,他从未被出示过黄牌,更没有被罚出场过。
- Nissen fundoplication plus pyloroplasty enhanced gastric emptying significantly(P <0.01 ), meanwhile, this group had a low mortality rate(16. 7%). 第4组,术后胃排空功能显著加强而持久,死亡率低(16.7%25),在术后7、14、21天与第3组比较有显著差异(P<0.01)。
- This movie was sinfully fun to make, and Albert Finney is my friend, and my pleasure to act with. 这部电影在制作时非常有趣。
- Those who were lucky enough to witness Finney's play often swooned at his pin-point passing,incredible balance and powerful shots with both feet. 那些过去有幸看过芬尼踢球的人,对于他手术刀般的传球、难以置信的平衡感和双脚有力的射门至今仍然津津乐道。
- The FARSITE fire area simulator developed by one of us (Finney) relies on similar inputs but also calculates where a fire might spread and how quickly. 作者之一芬尼设计的火灾地区模拟器(FARSITE),需要的也是类似的资料,但它也能同时计算火势会往哪个方向扩散、扩散的速度有多快。
- Case for a "Deliverables Driven" Approach By Russ Finney Many system builders consider formal project deliverables to be a complete waste of time. 很多系统建造者认为交付证实的项目完全是一种费时的活动。
- Jumping at the first offer to come your way can be tragic, says Martha Finney, author of "Rebound: A Proven Plan for Starting Over After Job Loss. 玛撒.芬尼在自己的书中写道,在第一次工作机会来临之际就紧紧抓住也许是场悲剧。
- The crime rate in Rochester, New York, for example, decreased by two-thirds as a result of one of the preaching series by Finney in 1828. 例如,在纽约州的罗彻斯特(Rochester;NewYork),于一八二八年查尔士.;芬尼的一场布道会之后,犯罪率减少了三分之二。
- Overlaying these elemental maps onto optical images of the cells, Finney and her colleagues then correlated elemental content with cellular structures. 把这些成分地图放到细胞光学图像上,然后Finney和他的同事把这些基本内容与细胞结构可以联系在一起。
- These meetings, and the evangelistic campaigns in cities led by men like Charles Finney, changed the face of American society. 这些的聚会,以及在城市中由布道家如查尔士.;芬尼(CharlesFinney)所带领的布道会,改变了美国社会的面貌。
- Mother's Day is comming, so what do you want to buy for your mom? If you don't have any ideal, Finney will give your some suggestions. Not expensive but beautiful ...... 5月11日母亲节真的要来了,想好送妈妈什么礼物了吗?如果还是没有想好,芬尼给你推荐几个店内销售的、适合送给妈妈们的施华洛世奇水晶饰品吧,保证漂亮又经济哦.....
- "George (George Best) makes a greater appeal to the senses than [Tom] Finney or [Stanley] Matthews did, his movements are quicker, lighter, more balletic. 贝斯特比芬尼和马修斯更吸引人,因为他更敏捷,更轻灵,也更芭蕾。
- Due to World War Two, Finney became one of a few players who made his debut for England before they had played a league game for their club side, in 1946. 因为第二次世界大战,所以在1946年,芬尼成为在极少数代表国家队出场先于代表俱乐部出战联赛的球员之一。