- What Exactly Is a Finite State Machine? 有限状态机定义?
- Therefore, the introduction of the finite state machine concepts. 为此,引入有限状态机的概念。
- This paper presents a formal approach to specify security model based on the theory of finite state machine(FSM) and the concept of communicating sequential process (CSP). 本文基于有限状态机(FSM)的理论,结合通信顺序进程(CSP)的概念,提出了一种开发安全模型的形式化方法。
- A finite state machine can only be in one state at any moment in time. 有限状态机在任一时刻都只能够处于一种状态中。
- For the feature of GUI and OO, A model based finite state machine(FSM) for conformance testing is presented. 一、针对C/S系统的GUI和OO特性,提出了基于有限状态机(FSM)的一致性测试模型。
- High-level design intents such as finite state machine (FSM) and counter are commonly used in modern VLSI design. 高阶设计资讯被广泛的应用在现今超大型积体电路的设计上,如:有限状态机、计数器等等。
- For every NFA a deterministic finite state machine (DFA) can be found that accepts the same language. 保持机器当前可能处在的所有状态的集合数据结构。
- Some finite state machines fall into this category, for example. 例如,一些有限状态机属于这一类别。
- With the rapid development of EDA tools,rapid design finite state machine automation with CAD will co... 随着EDA工具的快速发展,通过CAD快速设计有限状态机自动化成为可能。
- Firstly,the EFSM induced by a Finite State Machine(FSM) and its language are introduced. 首先定义了有限状态机(FSM)导出的EFSM及其产生的语言。
- The property to be checked is described as a finite state machine that transitions on atomic predicates, properties that can be identified by cursory look at the program. 所要检查的特性被描述为一个有限状态机器,即原子谓词上的转变,这样粗略地查看程序就能识别出这些特性。
- A design approach of finite state machine for survivability control system based on Boolean expression (BoolSFSM) is proposed. 文章提出一种基于布尔表达式的可生存性控制系统的有限状态机的设计方法。
- The WSCL specification models a conversation as a finite state machine where state changes are triggered by interactions. WSCL规范使一个会话作为一个有限状态机模型,状态的转移被相互作用所触发。
- FSM(finite state machine) is a kind of mathematic model in interactive system design,which show the lifecycle of the dynamic system effectively. 有限状态机是交互式系统设计分析中的一种数学模型,能够有效地表示一个动态系统的生存周期。
- Example 8-8 gives a glimpse of finite state machines from Chapter 9. 例8-8小窥了一下第9章的有限状态机。
- Finally, we use the trajectory of human and a pre-decided finite state machine to analyze the abnormal of human behavior. 最后,我们使用找出来的移动轨迹以及一个事先定义好的有限状态机来分析人的不正常行为。
- In a protocol testing system specified in Extended Finite State Machine (EFSM) model,the executability of the test sequences is a very important issue. 在一个以扩展的有限状态机(EFSM)为模型描述的协议测试系统中,测试序列的可执行性是一个重要的问题。
- The program being checked is also converted to a finite state machine, created by abstracting away all the details except the atomic predicates observed in the program. 被检查的程序也被转换为一个有限状态机器,通过摘掉所有细节、只保留程序中被观测的原子谓词。
- I’m using this plaintext-only approach as it demonstrates clearly the mechanism of a finite state machine without adding the code clutter of a more complex environment. 我使用纯文本的原因是为了清晰地示范有限状态机的机制,不想增加代码以免搞得太过于复杂。
- The Order Finite State Machine is mew model for electric circuit describe, We can do combinational equivalence checking convenience and quickly by this model. 它是一种电路描述的新的模型,通过这种新模型可以对组合电路的等价性检验进行方便、高效的验证。