- HMM consists of two components : selection of a macroscopic solver on a macroscale grid, and estimating the missing macroscale data by solving locally the fine scale problem. HMM包括两部分的内容:一是在宏观尺度网格上选择一个宏观算法;二是通过解局部的细网格问题来估算未知的宏观尺度数据。所以这一方法的关键:一是如何选择宏观算法;
- The fine scale of the gecko’s foot is beyond the capacity of conventional microengineering but a team of nanotechnologists have already made a good initial approximation. 从张开的叶子,昆虫的翅膀以及太阳能嵌板之间到底看出有什么相识的折纸花样;
- Specifically, slope extrema at coarse scales can be traced back to corresponding features at fine scales. 具体来说,斜坡极值在粗尺度可以追溯到相应的功能,优良的比额表。
- He has over 10 years of experience in large scale distributed system design and additionally specializes in security. 他在大规模分布式系统上有超过10年的经验,并且在安全性上有专门的研究。
- Materialisation mediums have been placed on delicate scales and then asked to produced ectoplasm onto another set of fine scales. 物化灵媒被置于精确的秤上,然后被要求在另一架精确的秤上生成流质。
- On an even finer scale, a spidery network of roughly parallel narrow cracks slices topographic forms into slabs. 把范围放大一点来看,大致平行的窄裂缝将表面划分成一块一块。
- Stress can be the undoing of so many fine players. 紧张可能是这许多优秀选手失败的原因。
- Many of these distributed placed INIDS nodes, each of which has the ability of self-learning, can form a large scale distributed learning IDS. 多个INIDS节点按一定的方式进行分布式设置,可以进一步得到具有自学习能力的大规模分布式入侵检测学习系统。
- One case presented with a dome-shaped pinkish nodule with fine scales on the gluteal area, and the other with brownish nodule measured 1cm in diameter on the back. 一例位于右臀有一粉红色并细屑之结节,另一例位于背上有一棕色结节。
- Simulation results show that performance of the fusion estimation algorithm outperforms that of directly performing Kalman filter at the finest scale. 结果表明,在最细尺度上,融合估计效果比直接进行卡尔曼滤波的效果好。
- Besides the icterus (yellow color, jaundice) in this skin there is a fine scaling rash in this patient following bone marrow transplantation with a 5 out of 6 antigen match. 病人除黄疸外,还有明显的鳞屑。这个病人进行了骨髓移植,其中6个抗原有5个相配。
- Slide 3-4 This is the characteristic lesion of ringworm black-dot, which presents as multiple areas of alopecia studded with black dots and some fine scales. 幻灯3-4这是黑点癣患儿的特征性损害即多小片黑点;
- We've scaled up production to meet demand. 我们已经扩大了生产以满足需求。
- The portrait shows fine effects of light and shade. 这幅肖像画的浓淡色调表现得很好。
- The paint scaled off easily with a knife. 油漆很容易用刀子刮掉。
- The soldier scaled the wall of the fortress by turret. 士兵通过塔车攀登上了要塞的城墙。
- Retail prices were scaled up by5 percent. 零售价格提高百分之五。
- That was a fine meal if ever there was one! 那确实是一顿丰盛的饭。
- The prices were scaled down10 percent. 价格按比例降低百分之十。
- Let's cash in on the fine weather and go out. 我们趁天气好出去玩玩吧。