- His bully make a mock of all the fine thing he say about kindness to others. 他那恃强欺弱的行为对于他所说的待人友善的漂亮言词是一个嘲弄。
- Some fine things were destroyed overnight. 一个好好的东西,一下子被他搞掉了。
- Was decency such a fine thing after all? 老实规矩就一定有好处吗?
- It's a fine thing to sing in the spring. 在春天里歌唱是一件很开心的事情。
- What a fine thing for our girls! 真是女儿们的福气!
- It certainly is a fine thing to be able to orate. 能说会道当然是好事。
- The fine thing, always vanishes into thin air. 美好的东西,总是烟消云散。
- Yes, it is a fine thing to sing in the spring, I think. 是的,我认为在春天唱歌是件好事。
- He is well educated in the finer things of life. 他受到生活中正面事物的熏陶。
- I certainly appreciate all those fine things the chairman just said about me. 刚才主席对我的赞扬使我十分感激。
- I like the whole fine things:Beautiful clothes, fine food, the man's promise. 我喜欢一切美好的东西:漂亮的衣服,美好的食物,男人的诺言。
- I told Dave that this is an incredibly fine thing he is doing for me. 我对戴夫说,他正在为我做的是件天大的好事。
- "It is a fine thing, reader, to be lifted in a moment from indigence to wealth. 对于读者,这是件奇妙的事情,可以在短时间内从贫穷到富有。
- How much finer things are in composition than alone. 分崩离析的个体绝对好不过一致的整体。
- You're wished the finest things in life today and every day! 愿生活中最美好的将属于你,在今日也在未来的每日里!
- If the future holds only half the fine things you hope for us,we'll be lucky indeed! 倘若你的美好祝愿能在将来实现一半,我们就是相当幸福的一对了!
- What a fine thing it is that our city has been chosen as the site for a new university. 我们城市被选作新大学的校址,这是多么好的一件事啊!
- LIBRA &TAURUS: Not too bad as you both value the finer things in life. 关系不错,因为你们都很重视生活中美好的事物。
- The pleasure of criticizing robs us of the pleasure of being moved by some very fine things. 批评的乐趣剥夺了我们被一些美好事物感动的乐趣。还包括幸灾乐祸、嫉妒等不良情绪。
- Stress can be the undoing of so many fine players. 紧张可能是这许多优秀选手失败的原因。