- fine aggregate design 细集料设计
- The use of precoated fine aggregate with normal asphalt and hydrated lime can solve the problem caused by the clay in fine aggregate. 通过使用沥青对细集料进行预处理和添加消石灰可以解决细集料泥土污染的问题.
- The research achievement of the embankment constructed with frost susceptibe a loose fine aggregate and fly ash and frost prevention are introduced. 主要介绍冰冻地区利用具有一定冻敏性的松散细集料粉煤灰修筑路堤及冻胀防治的研究成果。
- Tests show that clay in fine aggregate affected the water stability of asphalt mixture markedly; the permeable critical air void is 7.5? 试验表明;集料泥土污染对沥青混合料水稳性影响显著;沥青混合料的渗水临界空隙率为7.;5%25。
- The threshold value of clay dosage of fine aggregate is 2%. If the clay dosage exceeds 2%,it will affect the water stability of asphalt mixture. 细集料泥土质量分数的临界值为2%25,当超过2%25时会明显降低混合料的抗水损害能力;
- As the SSOS replace the fine aggregate more, the unit weight and pulse velocity of CLSM raise, but the setting time reduce. 还原碴取代胶结料重量比例达25%25至50%25时,胶结料浆体能有效包覆骨材,能带动骨材流动使CLSM材料工作度增加。
- The purpose of the research is to explore the feasibility and workability of the CLSM when the SSOS replace the fine aggregate and the SSRS replace the binder. 本研究系探讨以氧化碴取代细骨材及还原碴取代胶结料,应用于高流动性低强度材料(CLSM)之工作性研究。
- The newly created aggregation design now appears as part of the expanded node. 现在,新创建的聚合设计将显示为展开节点的一部分。
- The basic principle is the VCA formed by the coarse aggregate is filled with the fine aggregate,the filling,the asphalt and the preconcerted void content. 其基本原理为:矿料级配中粗集料形成的孔隙率由细集料、填料、沥青和预定孔隙率填充。
- The basic principle is the VCA formed by the coarse aggregate is filled with the fine aggregate, the filling, the asphalt and the preconcerted void content. 其基本原理为:矿料级配中粗集料形成的孔隙率由细集料、填料、沥青和预定孔隙率填充。
- An approach to ground of fine aggregate concrete without sand is introduced in respects of raw and processed materials, proportioning ratio, construction technology, and so on. 适用于仓库、市、头、车场、房中需要耐磨且要求减少灰尘的混凝土地面。
- Aggregation Prefix is the specific name of the new aggregation design that will be created. “聚合前缀”是将创建的新聚合设计的具体名称。
- The Aggregation Manager sample illustrates how to take advantage of various SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services features to handle aggregation design. 聚合管理器示例说明了如何利用SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services的各种功能来处理聚合设计。
- The paper optimizes the concrete fine aggregate scheme with median sand of gate foundation excavation and build coarse sand through 4 appraisal index using fuzzy optimization decisiontheory. 利用模糊优选决策理论,通过4项评判指标对石佛寺水库利用闸基开挖中砂与外购粗砂掺配混凝土细骨料方案进行了优选。
- Partitions can be stored by using any combination of options for source data location, storage mode, proactive caching, and aggregation design. 可以使用源数据位置、存储模式、主动缓存和聚合设计的选项的任意组合来存储分区。
- You can use the sample to display a set of aggregations in a particular aggregation design, and to change each aggregation as you want. 您可以使用该示例来显示特定聚合设计中的一组聚合,并根据需要更改每个聚合。
- A detailed description of concrete construction technology by which a large area industrial ground is accomplished uninterruptedly using fine aggregate concrete is given,and the quality control methods of common fault are proposed as well. 针对大面积细石混凝土工业地面随打随抹一次成活的施工技术进行了较全面的阐述,同时提出了有关质量通病的控制措施。
- The fine aggregate is one of the basic raw materials of the concrete. The quality of the aggregate plays an important role in workability of flesh concrete and physic mechanics property and duration of the harden concrete. 细集料是配制混凝土的基本原材料,其质量优劣对混凝土拌合物的工作性和硬化混凝土的物理力学性能和耐久性均具有重要影响。
- The Usage-Based Optimization Wizard lets you adjust the aggregation design for a measure group by analyzing the queries that have been submitted by client applications. 使用基于使用情况的优化向导,您可以通过分析客户端应用程序所提交的查询来针对度量值组调整聚合设计。
- The effect of recycled coarse aggregate quantity,recycled fine aggregate,PFA replacing cement quantity and water cement radio on the recycled concrete compression strength and slump. 本文研究了再生粗骨料掺量、再生细骨料掺量、粉煤灰取代水泥量和水灰比对再生混凝土抗压强度和坍落度的影响。