- The Fed should always be the calm centre of a financial storm. 美联储应当总是一场金融风暴中那个平静的中心。
- Yet even these pretty shelters are now being lashed by the global financial storm. 然而,即使是这些惬意的庇护所,如今也受到全球金融危机的猛烈冲击。
- Cross-strait air routes become a financial storm the growth of gold under the contrarian route. 两岸空中航线成为金融风暴下逆势成长的黄金航线。
- As the financial storm has raged, the last two years have brought extensive debate about flaws in modern banking. 随着金融风暴愈演愈烈,过去两年已经上演了有关现代银行业缺陷的广泛辩论。
- Visible, study abroad groom in becoming financial storm really, see inaccessibly " gold jobs " . 可见,留学培训确实已经成为金融风暴中难得一见的“金饭碗”。
- But that was before hurricanes devastated much of the island in 2008 and the financial storm broke. 但那是在2008年飓风摧毁这个岛国大量土地以及金融风暴爆发之前。
- It seems it's not a good time to start "sailing" during the financial storm...Heheh... 似乎在金融风暴中心启航有点不是时候,吼吼!
- Face financial storm to raid, the property that these plute look at him helplessly is much " evaporate " . 面对金融风暴来袭,这些富豪眼睁睁看着自己的财产大量“蒸发”。
- The rumor-mongers on the foreign currency market and stock market are often very active before the financial storm erupted. 金融风暴袭来之前汇市和股市上的谣言贩子往往都十分活跃。
- Even at the Asian financial storm of 1997 and 1998, the exchange rate of RMB had no unclenched that soothes the Asian regions’ nerves. 在1997年、1998年亚洲金融风暴的时候,中国人民币汇率并没有放开,给亚洲地区吃了一颗定心丸。
- Many banks in Taiwan are mired in their operation after the ordeal of the financial storm in Asia and the so-called land-mine storm at home. 台湾在历经亚洲金融风暴以及本土银行地雷风暴之后,许多银行经营已陷入进退维谷的窘境。
- When the global financial storm began to gather a year ago, China appeared to be a nation that was well supplied with raincoats. 当上一年全球金融风暴开始初露端倪的时候,几乎全世界都认为中国将不会在这场风暴中受到什么损伤。
- This causes the blood Forder - Bingley Bank to become turns the financial storm for this reason another sacrificial victim. 这使得布拉德福德-宾利银行成为此轮金融风暴的又一个牺牲品。
- Although financial storm indulge in wilful persecution, but we still advocate do not cut down the member of persons employed, do not reduce salary. 虽然金融风暴肆虐,但我们依然主张不裁员、不减薪。
- Suffer devaluation of country of financial storm percussive, capital outflow, balance of payments is exasperate, economy grows slow down. 受金融风暴冲击的国家货币贬值,资金外流,国际收支恶化,经济增长减缓。
- It was during this period that Financial Secretary Donald Tsang Yam-Kuen was pushed to the front of this financial storm. 正是在这期间,金融部长曾荫权被推到了金融风暴的风口浪尖。
- This year A-share market outshines the performance of financial storm is drawing in foreign capital to move closer to each. 今年以来A股市场一枝独秀的表现,正吸引着金融风暴中的各路外资靠拢。
- Below financial storm, closing to be denied then is best opportunity investment or the harangue that do poineering work are constant all the time. 金融风暴下,关于是否是最好时机投资或创业的争论一直不断。
- CCTV net news (the first time): Engulfs the entire world the financial storm, let our country's abroad study market have the subtle change. 央视网消息(第一时间):席卷全球的金融风暴,让我国的留学市场发生了微妙的变化。
- Mai Ke Luan believed that the epicycle financial storm will give the US the stock market the operational mechanism to bring the huge change. 麦柯奕认为,本轮金融风暴将给美国证券市场的运行机制带来巨大的改变。