- Chinese financial stocks generally rebounded. 中资金融股普遍反弹。
- Not only have subprime losses hurt financial stocks. 而不仅仅是次级贷款的损失影响股票而已。
- In Europe, financial stocks again dragged the markets down. 在欧洲,金融类股再次带动股市下跌。
- A boost in financial stocks pushed the market higher Monday as investors returned to Wall Street in a buying mood. 投资人在旺盛的买气下星期一重回华尔街股市,在金融类股的推动下,纽约股市大涨。
- Today there is flattish action in the financial stocks when you would think they would sell off much harder. 当前的金融类股交投淡静,而你本来以为金融股会遭遇更大规模的抛售。
- And financial stocks rolls afters City Group rose after Citigroup reported a profit for those 2 months. 在花旗集团公布这两个月的收益后,金融股票有所升值。
- Still, financial stocks were underselling pressure Friday.The KBW bank index lost 2.26% to finish at 80.73. 不过上周五金融股仍迎来强劲抛盘,KBW银行指数大跌2.;26%25,收于80
- Bear in mind that the tape could turn for the worse should the financial stocks frizzle out around this level. 请记住, 如果金融股在该位置突破失败,大盘将变得更糟糕。
- The Securities and Exchange Commission in the United States recently moved to protect nineteen major financial stocks. 美国证券交易管理委员会最近转向保护十九支主要的金融股票。
- The Securities and Exchange Commision in the United States recently moved to protect 19 major financial stocks. 美国证券和交易委员会为了保护19支主要的金融股票;最近让他们退市.
- The report also pointed out that the latest round of financial stocks "big counterattack," there is no lack of suspicion on the voice market. 报道还指出,对于最新一轮的金融股“大反攻”,市场上不乏怀疑声音。
- Financial stocks, the Wells Fargo fell 6.7%, PNC Financial Services Group fell 5.6 percent, local banks also fell sharply. 金融股中,富国银行下跌了6.;7%25,PNC金融服务集团下跌了5
- Judging by the whiplash moves in financial stocks, the banking system is poised for recovery one day, only to teeter on the brink the next. 金融类股迭荡起伏的走势来看,银行业可能还将持续这种好一日、歹一日的震荡格局。一时的复苏之后,可能接下来又会是危险边缘的徘徊。
- Investors in Aisa Asia sold a lot of financial stocks Monday worried about that bad debts in and capital adequacy in the global banking system. 亚洲的投资者周一卖掉了许多金融业方面的股票,他们担心全球金融系统的坏账和资本总量。
- Pessimism surrounding the financial stocks dragged on the boarder market index.The S&P lost about 30 points or 2.20% for the day. 银行股的下挫拖累标普下跌约30点,跌幅2.;20%25。
- But overall, the market didn't really seem to care. Financial stocks rallied into the close and ended the day down only about 2.5%. 但总的来说,市场似乎并不在意他们的观点。金融股在收盘前反弹,全天仅下跌2.;5%25左右。
- That doesn't bode well for banks' 2009 outlooks and may prove the recent run-up in financial stocks to be just another head-fake. 这对各银行2009年的前景来说可不是个好兆头,或许也证明了金融类股最近的上扬只不过是又一次假动作。
- They soon learned that pre-IPO deals aren't always winners: U.S. financial stocks, including Blackstone, took a dramatic turn downward. 很快,他们就认识到了IPO前融资交易并不是稳赚不亏的买卖:包括百仕通在内的美国金融类股股价大幅跳水。
- This downturn will not be over until share prices of financial stocks stabilise, and thus far there is no sign of that occurring. 直到金融股票的价格稳定下来,股市下跌才会结束,但是目前没有这样的迹象。
- It’s well-known that the ban on shorting financial stocks ends Wednesday evening so the bears can’t afford to miss the “golden opportunity”. 我们都知道,限制卖空金融股的禁令在周三晚间取消,因此空头不愿错过这个“天赐良机”。